Wip, Finish up Tomorrow [hider=Areguila] Oshmar Region: 7 Name of Region: Areguila Name of City: Arguis [img]http://www.presidiacreative.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/3D_Fantasy_Places_HD_-0031.jpg[/img] Visual Description of City: Arguis is a very large city that is located in the middle of Areguila, and extends to the coast. It is surrounded by high Iron and concrete walls that glem lightly under the rays of the sun. Arguis's architecture is mostly comprised of domes, spires and statues of there gods. Its buildings and markets are built on water and on the shore lines of the marshlands. Its homes and business are built attached to one another, limiting the possibility's for alleyways. Due to its many ship supporting wetlands, the city can use them for easily accessible trade routes to the sea. The city shows of a considerable about of docks and ports to the north side of the city toward the ocean. City Population: City's Defences: Arguis is well guarded city but does not have many defenses. It features a large Iron and concrete wall that surrounds the entire city. It uses its marsh land scape to its advantage, using them as routes for trade straight to the ocean and uses its enemy's inexperience against it them, allowing there enemy's to sink or drown in its wetlands. Forts a sprinkled around the region were Orc Shamans use water dwelling beasts to attack enemies before they can get lose to a city. Three are stationed around Arguis, one to the North east about 235 miles away, one to the south about 170 miles away, and one to the west, about 75 miles away. They users an assortment of beasts to defend them, anything from aerial beast, to water dwellers, to simple land beasts, making it even harder to get close. City's Food Stores: Arguis relies on the sea for its main source of food, but the waters inside the city could support the city for a long time due to its abundance in fisheries. With its abundance in Orc made habitats for amphibians and aquatic mammals give them a very long lasting and constant food supply. City's Garrison Capacity: City's Main Industries: Areguila is well known for its prowess in warfare and magic. Its magical advancements have surpassed may nations especially in warfare. By limiting the amount of men needed o the battle field. This is a very compelling commodity in may regions that are about to smell the scent of war. By trading its many texts on magic practices to other countries, it thrives, but it does not revel all of there secrets. Areguila is also famous for its abundance in underwater delicacies such as frogs and many other under water mammals that is demanded for all over the world. City's Government: Arguis is a republic lead by a group of elected members called the Zize. The Zize is sort of like a council, and each council member runs something in the region. An examples of this would be the Commanding General of the army, would be a member of the Zize. If a decision wants to be made, a pleblesite is held and the people vote on which decision they see is best, and the Zize read over it, and either pass it or deny it depending on the view of the people or the scope of the ever changing situation at hand. List of Towns: Argis is the only metropolis in Areguila due to the amount of work it took to even build the city. But there are 2 other fairly lard cities to the north and to the south. There are small cities that are dotted around the landscape, most and centered around the forts. Regela- Large city to the North Zamin- Large city to the South Zalden- Small fort city Demiz- Small fort city Siaex- Small fort city Lemin- Small fort city Zizwar- Small fort city Kaneu- Small fort city Keaunu- Small fort city Xehant- Small fort city Razen- Small fort city Artticas- Small fort city MoonHeart- Small fort city RACE Race Name: Uri Race Leader: High Commander of Areguila Lactousa Race Leader Physical Description: Lactousa is a tall man with light green skin. He has no hair and he had a large skull cap on the back of his head. He has a defined chin and 6 eyes, 3 one each side, that is normal for there people. He has decorated with many medals and wears a light black body armor all the time. Race Leader Significant Traits: This is the only man in all of Areguila that can control up to 14 beasts with ease and not lose his mind. Race Physical Description: The Uri are a race of bipedal, plant-like humanoid people. They poses some of the same bodily functions that humans do, the only thing that is different is the shape of there skulls and there reproductive system. Both Male and female Uri have a fairly large skull cap on the back of there heads and they have very defined chins. Uri's usually grow to a height of 7'0 to 7'9" in adult hood. Both male and females have 6 eyes, 3 on both sides. Male Appearances: Males have similar body structure to male humans. They are build like humans but there skulls are slightly larger than female skulls and there chins not as pointy but a bit more rounded. Males have darker tinted skin. Female Appearances: Female are built similarly to human females. They have breasts and there skulls are smaller that male skulls and there chins much more sharper. Females have lighter tinted skin colors. Use of Magic: The Uri utilize summoning magic. By utilizing special scrolls with ancient summoning chants, they can summon beast from all over the regions to fight for them. Most Uri Shamans can control and summon up to 2 beasts. Once summoned these beasts share a special connection to there Shaman. They feel what the summoner fell and the summoner feels that the beats feels. Not all Uri can utilize magic, if a civilian is caught using magic they will be sent to a Military Academy to be trained and drafted. 2 in 5 Uri can use magic. Life Span: One life cycle- 40 to 59 years. Full cycle- 159 to 200 Male Lifespan: All the same unless killed. Female Lifespan: All the same unless killed. Reproduction Rate: The Uri are both asexual and sexual reproducers, but asexual reproduction is not used to create offspring. The Uri have a life span of about 50 years, but through there form of asexual reproduction they can increase there life spans if they want to. The Uri have the ability to be reborn, it is some what complicated, the Uri use there asexual capabilities to create a seed, that seed has a has DNA encrypted in it. It is then planted in soil and the Uri himself is buried underground near or next to the seed.(There are incubation facilities for this) After about a month the see sprouts and its roots take hold of the buried Uri's body, then, information, memories, and all important bodily organs are mapped and blueprinted. Then above ground is a sprout were a large but thin bubble is growing, this is were the knew body of the Uri is grown. After a year the body is fully grown and the Uri steps out of the bubble, unfortunately not all of the memories are transferred, and there can be some blank spots in there memory. An Uri can only use this 4 time, if used more than once they will lose al memory of who there were and will become a Ghost. This reproductive ability allows them to live for about 200 hundred years, doubling there life spans. If an Uri wishes have children, they have the ability to reproduce sexually with an Uri of the opposite sex. A seed is produced and is planted into the ground, it eventually sprouts and the baby Uri is grown inside the bubble. Once the baby has completed growing enough to go out in to the outside world, the parents are there to take the new born Uri. Society: Arguilla is Republic/Democracy led by a council of 7 called The Gira. Each leader runs something in that country, for example, one leader may me the Commander Of Defense, he would be the council. Leaders are cycled out and then new leader add elected and put into the council. The Gira propose new ideas and vote on the 3 or 4 that are the best, and hold a plebiscite, and look at the data, the pass laws based on it. History: Welcome, path followers of Banos. You have all participated in the Crowning Ceremony, and you have made you decision. You choose to follow the path of was, THE PATH OF BANOS!" "Cadets, you are a new generation of Banos followers. But there were generations before who, who paved the way for future generations. Now you will pave the way also. I will now tell you the story of our people, a story only told to the followers of Banos and Yasegal know of." 5000 years ago our people were a group of waring tribes. All tribes were fighting for control over our planet. This went on for years years until one man stood up and united all the tribes. That was was the first follower, he was the first and and only follower of Atticus, Arguis Garun. He unified the all tribes, he set up cites for all to live in. He created a place for all Uri to live in peace and tranquility. It has been 4000 years since Arguis was officially founded, since then we have invented and innovatived, and enjoyed the fruits of our labor." Young men and woman, this is your history. You are Uri, you are the followers of Banos, you are the protectors of of the Arguillain System. Make us proud!" Religion: The Uri are an ever changing people, they are a people that wish to follow in the foot steps of there gods. The Uri believe in many different deities, mainly 5. The first is Atticus, the god of gods. They believe that he created there worlds with the help of the goddess of life and nature, Zirin. The third is Banos, the only god that is alive right now. Banos is the god of war, and the god they give patronage to the most. The forth is Yasegal , the god of knowledge, this is the second most known god in there world, he is the one who granted them all the technological advancements that they have today. And last is Gin, the goddess of death, a feared goddess but well known one also, they accept her judgment of death without complaint. The Uri are constantly looking for ways to innovate, enlarge, or fight things. The Uri believe that knowledge and combat goes hand in hand, they teach there children in the ways of fighting but also encourage them to peruse higher knowledge. Those that are scientists, solders or politicians are highly regarded, they follow the path of their gods and that is a honor. Following that path of a god was a choice that was made at the age of 18 during the Crowning Ceremony. BY choosing a god to follow the effectively follow the path that there god is lord over, a man or woman that wishes to become a doctor or nurse would follow the path a Rea, the goddess of medicine and fertility. Once a path is chosen, they cannot change there minds. Significant Racial Traits: But what really set the Uri apart from other races is there ability to use photosynthesis. This allows them to live with out foods for years on end if they wish to. Photosynthesis happens subconsciously for the Uri, they could be simply walking down the street at be performing photosynthesis without anyone knowing. The suns energy is converted into nutrients in the Uri's bodies. But the Uri no not always photosynthesis to survive, they have foods that they can survive off of and convert into nutrients in there bodies, unfortunately it may not be as satisfying of filling as sunlight. Seafaring Capabilities: Uri have ships but do not always use them, it is only used for trade. The Uri utilize Seafaring Beasts to travel. Sometimes riding on the beasts back or in it's mouth. [/hider]