It would be obvious to almost anyone that Samus did not want company at the moment, and even more so that she did not want to carry Okuu. Okuu, however, was more 'almost' than 'anyone', and thus remained attached to the power suit. Instead of getting off when Samus extended her arms, Okuu held Samus tight around the chest area to stabilize herself. As she did so, she waved at Rawk who had stopped by and then left very quickly. "No, no, you need to really wrap your arms under me or else I might fall," said Okuu in her normal, friendly tone. It felt nice to know more about something than someone. Okuu continued to smile sweetly up at Samus and Cirno. Even though Okuu didn't know how to do very much, it was nice that she seemed to be making some friends at a good pace. "Anyways, mister not-mister not-robot, did you say bean weapon? Like adzuki beans? Can you make anko with it? What about oshiruko? Or daifuku? Can you do scans while you tell me a story?"