Ivan made his way over to where he had stashed his weapon after the fight, the school's absolutely massive room filled with rows and rows of rocket-propelled lockers. [i]Leviathan[/i] was made of thick slabs of heat-resistant metal, and despite the uses it had as an impromptu club in a fight, made it nearly impossible for him to write or not simply [i]smash[/i] anything with the solid block of dark metal resting on his forearm. People who kept their weapons on them at all times had serious paranoia issues. And most [i]certainly[/i] those aforementioned issues with classes. Finding his own locker in short order, he pulled open to the door and began to pull on his weaponry in preparation for Armory. The girl's words had cut him deeper than he had expected. Sure, he was awesome, but it didn't matter when his own partner didn't even want the help in the first place. Ivan gritted his teeth. It wasn't Ineko's fault, of course. But he'd be dammed if it didn't seem like the half-robotic boy was actively trying to make his partner's life difficult with that sudden leaving. That only left Sapphire as the cause. The resounding sound of the bell cut through the gunslinger's anger-fueled reverie. He slammed the locker shut behind him with more force than he had intended as the resulting bang echoed around the relatively empty locker room. His ears turned a rather flattering shade of pink as Ivan grumbled something under his breath about [b]'bloody doors'[/b] and made a quick exit, making certain to calm himself as he approached the door to the Armory class. He'd get back at that smarmy little snot yet. Hopefully in the sparring arena. Glaring at the teacher, he nodded stiffly in their direction before he made his way toward the seating area. He grabbed one of the seats close to the front, pulling his gauntlets off to inspect the wear and damage from his fight with Merlin.