[b]Shockwave - Shockwave's Lab, SE HQ[/b] ([url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rErrkuLYAvI]I laughed so hard when you said Goji was smokin' weed everydaaaaaay![/url]) As soon as Shockwave finished congratulating Charlotte on the discovery, she then managed to TASTE the Transformium. Her reaction towards the element was rather... interesting. It seemed as if the transforium had some weird drug that tasting it would result the user to go trippin' balls! She then began tripping all over the place, knocking down materials from the shelves and tables. Shockwave was utterly displeased at Charlotte's actions. He swiftly grasps her with his new hand and begins walking to the entrance of his lab. Once he reaches the entrance of the lab, he places her out and quickly shuts the door to his lab, with an extra wall for good measure. He then slowly walks back to his lab and looks at all the damage Charlotte had done. "I find bringing her inside... illogical." he sighs in slight embarrassment as he begins to clean up, "Never will she enter my lab again." He then looks at the spilled jar of Transformium. "I should also logically dispose of that element as soon as possible." [h1][/h1] [b]Samus Aran - GFS Mothership Over Phaaze[/b] Samus thought that she had the upper-hand in this fight, until she felt a tail wrap around her ankle. "Shit!" she says to herself as she was thrown right into the Mothership's bridge, smashing through the windshield at great force. She tries to get a steady shot on him, but was then being thrown like a rag-doll under his whipping tail. After Ridley said his first lines in battle, Samus grunts as she finally finds a bypass in which she began shooting at Ridley with her plasma cannon, hitting his nemesis multiple times. She then manages to free herself from Ridley's tail and skids across the Bridge as she comes to a grinding halt. She breathes heavily as she regains her footing. "Even if we will be soul enemies till' the end of time, weather in this universe or the next, I will always find a way to defeat your reign of terror." she says as she begins charging her gun, "I've always had. If I'll have to defeat you for the nth time... so be it!" Soon, her gun was fully charged as she shoots an intense ball of blue plasma heading towards her nemesis and blinding speed, making a direct hit on him.