Name: Rozalia Casador Gender: Female Race: Hadrianite, although masquerading as a Chalcionese. Age: 24 Outward appearance: Measuring at 5’5, Roze’s figure is slim, curvy, and not much in the way of muscle – that the eye can see, that is; she’s still got plenty of strength. Her face is younger than her years, being heart-shaped, with bright sapphire-like eyes, dimples, and delicate features, and even, mostly unmarred skin. Atop her comely face is an abundance of ebony black curls, reaching about her mid-back when she hasn't tied them up out of the way. Although slightly impractical in her line of work, she can’t bring herself to cutting it short. Any scars she has retained through past battles have been on her body; most minor, but the biggest and most notable is a long, pale knife mark stretching from the base of her back, and curving around her body till it hits her mid-stomach on the left side. Personality: Despite her somewhat dark background and hidden past, Rozalia tends to stay chipper in the line of fire. Retaining her humour, her optimism, and her wit, even in some of the darkest situations, it takes a damn lot to make her lose hope – because she is stubborn, determined, and will not go down without a fight. Not only that, but she keeps those that are dear to her safe. After the death of her entire family, she has become adamant that nothing like that would ever happen again. Almost obsessive when it comes to keeping others safe, she’ll willingly throw herself into danger to prevent others getting harmed. Although this can be a definite weakness in the eyes of her enemies, she’s quite happy retaining this way of thinking. When not caught in a dire situation, she attempts to keep some form of professionalism among her betters - not that that works all the time. Speaking her mind is something common for her – a regrettable trait kept from when she was just young, not that she particularly cares. However, she is a pleasant companion to have. When not about her past, she tends to speak the truth, be it softly or harshly. It really depends on who she’s talking to. Biography: Rozalia was born as Lady Rosálie of the Jagaré family - one of seven children; the middle child, the youngest daughter. Kept safe within the empire of the Hadrianites, her family were rich, sheltered, and in good with the reigning family. In fact, Rosálie practically grew up in the palaces of the reigning family, being Hadrian VII's promised bride in the future. Things looked to be alright, for when she was young, she did not see the darkness surrounding that family, and was happy to be betrothed to a handsome man (despite the nearly 20 year age gap). However, things turned sour rather quickly for young Rosa. As she grew, so did her knowledge of Hadrian's exploits - and she swiftly discovered traits within him that were fairly despicable and not all preferable for a future husband. Despite her pleadings, her parents kept the arranged marriage going for a good few years, up until she had reached 14 – at the point he had finished his conquering of Umeacha, and had turned his gaze to other lands; Chalcion. By this point, even Rosa’s family were unsure of what sort of monster that they had affiliated themselves with, and broke off the marriage contract. Despite the fact that Rosa had obviously gone off the idea of being with him, Hadrian himself was still infatuated with her, and was enraged at the fact their marriage had been abandoned; for she was a most beautiful maiden, and he wanted her. Almost as much as his empire. To try and bring her back to him, willingly or not, he had her entire family slaughtered as traitors to the empire. Although horrified at the atrocity that he previously beloved had committed, she had been expecting something like this for a while; for years, she had privately honed her fighting skills. Unbecoming of a Lady, let alone a woman, but she was able to get the teachings she needed. She was able to escape Hadrian’s guards, and flee the country in a mere fishing boat. Once arriving at Chalcion, she continued her training with the money she had smuggled over with her. Eventually, the news of her family’ slaughter became old, and was no longer talked about. Hadrian had bigger things to worry about, so attempts at finding her were abandoned in the first year of her escape. Lady Rosálie Jagaré was forgotten, and Rozalia Casador was born. As soon as Hadrian took Chalcion, she joined the ranks of Octavian, hoping to find her revenge, and return the homes of Hadrian’s victims back to them. Equipment: The standard leather armour of Octavian's army, although she's added a few small embellishments of her own. An extra strip of cloth here, something shortened there - just enough to not be obvious, but to make the armour her own. However, her weapons are far from normal; a sword and two matching daggers, both borne of the same mystical fires that exist in the furthest reaches of the lands. At least, that's what she truly believes - they are fairly unique. A stunning set of weapons, the blades and sharp, never needing to be tended to or sharpened, and the hilts are of a stunning gold colour; as strong as lead, but as light as feathers with the blades. Set into the hilt of the sword and each dagger is a gemstone. It sparkles almost unnaturally, so it is unsure of what gem it is, and where the weapons came from. All Roze knows is that she found them in a pirate's cove during one of her more rigorous training sessions, and they were supposedly able to kill anything; be it Elf or dragon. However, all she has killed is human, so she can't really put that to the test. Other than this, she has the standard bow and arrows kept with most soldiers, and various other steel daggers hidden about herself. In terms of personal items, she has nothing. She didn't want to risk anyone knowing who she was. Skills: Is an all-round badass in terms of combat. Taking part in a grueling training since the age of 15, she's honed her skills with the blade and hand to hand. Although some way gain the upper hand over her, she has the tactical mind of a strategist to win a fight, no matter how big or strong the opponent. She is also a keen diplomat, retained from her years as a Lady, probably. She manages to keep a cool head in most situations, managing to think of the more rational solution to a problem, as opposed to killing first, asking questions later. Other: Enjoys singing in her spare – and alone – time; quite the lovely voice, but certainly not interested in sharing it with the world. She also has frequent nightmares, so either doesn't have much sleep, or just has more than a few drinks before laying down to sleep.