The more time he spent in this odd town the more he grew restless. Something about the location deeply clashed with his being. Like some metaphysical version of repulsion caused by magnets of like polarity or like the water like fluidity of the city's reality to the equally fluid and lubricative nature of his soul. Amidst the transdimensional terminal did he watch for the next set of portals to open. The location was odd with its turntable floor and various moving mechanical as well with rails twisting and looping. The entire thing reminded him of a pinball machine. Having tampered with the processes to speed it up the machinery moved faster with a louder noise accompanying him as something started traveling down the rails. The first thing to appear was this bubble showing imagery of a forest. He dived into with no real thoughts. There was a big chance this would be some fantasy land and if not he'd find a way out.