[h1]Kamui Minamoto[/h1] Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/d-frag/images/3/3c/Kenji_kazama.png/revision/latest?cb=20140213040420&path-prefix=es]Link[/url] Personality: Though appearing to be a bit abrasive, Kamui himself has never found himself to be dragged into a major conflict. In situations where conflict arises involving him, however, he doesn't back down readily. He's quite indecisive at times, which often gets him into trouble more than he would like. With other people, though, he's usually pretty outgoing and somewhat lax. In the midst of a duel, however, his indecisiveness vanishes almost immediately and he enters a confident state most non-duelists rarely see out of him. Some liken it to a trance, but Kamui simply cites it as 'putting on a suit of armor and entering a battle', and rightfully so. To him, every duel is a fight to prove to himself that the two worlds that make up his life can work together for the better. Bio: A lover of both the new and the old, Kamui found himself caught between two worlds. One one hand, his mother was a college professor who taught Japanese history at a university near his home, while his father was an engineer in the robotics industry. He had never truly found his place and had always jumped between the two ideals. Both parents would occasionally butt heads over which route he would take in life, but none of the three could ever come to a decisive conclusion. Not sure of what else to do, Kamui decided to pick up dueling as a hobby; hopefully the impartiality of the present could make a decision for him. Then the fateful day came where, after watching some other people dueling, he noticed something incredibly interesting. Samurai robots were one thing, but mech suits as well? Immediately, Kamui took to asking that duelist to learn about the deck itself and took the time to hunt down every card he needed for the deck. This was what he would use to make things okay- he wouldn't have to use one or the other anymore. A few years later, Kamui found himself as one of the top duelists in the region. Though he did not recieve an invite from Industrial Illusions, he did manage to pull a ticket to Regno Ricco while opening card packs. Signature Feature: Carries a machinated katana around; it's actually his Duel Disk. He usually has it sheathed by his side while not Dueling, and has it transform into a Duel Disk whenever necessary. Deck: [hider=Geargiakuris] Monsters (20): 3x Geargiarsenal 3x Geargiaccelerator 3x Geargiarmor 2x Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 "Saizan" 3x Geargiauger 1x Genex Ally Birdman 3x Geargiano Mk-II 1x Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi" 1x Geargiano Spells (8): 1x Raigeki 1x Soul Charge 3x Upstart Goblin 2x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Snatch Steal Traps (12): 1x Geargiagear 1x Mirror Force 2x Trap Stun 2x Dimensional Prison 1x Breakthrough Skill 1x Compulsory Evacuation Device 3x Call of the Haunted 1x Solemn Warning Extra Deck (15): 1x Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido" 1x Stardust Spark Dragon 2x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei" 1x Clear Wing Synchro Dragon 1x Moonlight Rose Dragon 1x Black Rose Dragon 1x Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack 1x Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon 2x Gear Gigant X 2x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer 1x Daigusto Emeral 1x Gagaga Cowboy Side Deck (15): 1x Mind Control 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Limiter Removal 2x Spell Shattering Arrow 1x Bottomless Trap Hole 2x Fairy Wind 1x Imeprial Iron Wall 2x Fiendish Chain 2x Light-Imprisoning Mirror 2x Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror [/hider]Favorite Card: Kakaruki Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido" Other: Uses Sylvans outside of tournament-regulated matches.