Abel consoling him, Shiro's glistening eyes brightened and he managed a smile. His teammate's words having comforted him, he parked his behind next to Gren as he continued to cook in his..unconventional ways. Unfortunately, Shiro's hunger would have to wait to be satiated as the bell screeched, causing him to wince and flatten his ears against his head. The bell signaled the end of the lunch period and the start of the next class. Pulling out his Scroll, he checked his class schedule and saw that he had the Armory class next. Ears and tail perking, he looked stunned and excited all at once. [i]"Oh! Maybe I can make adjustments to Kladenets and Perun in class! At the very least I can do some minimal maintenance!"[/i] Pocketing his Scroll, he looked at the sizzling meats Gren was still grilling. One could only feel for Shiro as his golden eyes grew sad, his lips pouted, and his ears again sagged sadly onto his head. His face spoke of only heartbreak and intense sorrow. With a heavy sigh, Shiro grabbed his tray. As swiftly as he could, he disposed of it. Not wanting to be late for this class especially, he lowered his body so that he was on all fours and bounded his way out of the cafeteria. Taking care to not run into anyone. Shooting down the hallways, he quickly visited the school's Armory [*Not the class, mind you] and looked around at the multitudes of 'Rocket Lockers'. Sniffing at the air, he quickly located his weapons and withdrew them. Sword already sheathed within his shield, he slung his weapons onto his back and rapidly scrambled to locate the Armory Class to take his seat. [i]"Don't want to be late for this!"[/i] His eager face shifted to one of hurt and pain as his stomach still grumbled at him, unsatisfied with the paltry lunch Beacon had given him. [i]"Man, I wish I could've had some of Gren's food..."[/i] he sighed to himself, wanting to almost cry.