Neveah hears her alarm go off as she steps out of the shower. She rolls her eyes, she always gets up before that thing, so why does she need it? She sighs and walks into her room, hitting the top of her alarm to dismiss it. She unwraps Her towel and starts to get dressed in Her everyday outfit, applying some mascara before grabbing her bags and heading out. She wondered if she would change up her schedule a bit today, but decided against it. Before anything, she would go and grab some coffee, and then her day would officially start. She found herself inside of the coffee shop in no time, it was her favorite place in town, always smelling like fresh baked goods and coffee beans. Neveah went up to the counter and ordered her usual, which was black coffee and a blueberry muffin. She took a seat and surveyed her surroundings. It was almost empty, only the people with a report due, or with a good book to read were here. Neveah smiled, enjoying the quiet crowd.