Geni finished up his lunch in utter silence. He blocked out all outside distractions and concentrated on ideas for a weapon. With his new found knowledge about Dust, he now had an interest in it. Geni racked his brain looking for ways to incorporate Dust into Ragnorok. Unfortunately Geni could not think of anything that would work. He could not sprinkle Dust onto the blade, it would explode with the slightest of movements. The bell through Geni out of his thought and into reality. Lunch was over and it was back to class with him. He stood up and walked out of the cafeteria and made his way towards the locker room. He had Armory class next, pretty convenient for his dilemma. Geni's tail perked up slowly the fact that he would be able to improve his weapon. He smiled as he grabbed his weapon and walked out of the locker room and headed over to the Armory Class. Geni walked into his newly appointed favorite class. A lot of the students in he class were the ones that hour had seen fighting first period. "Should probably get to know some of them." He mumbled to himself. Geni got ride of any of his inhibitions and walked over to a body who had already taken a seat. It was a faunas kid just like him, which made feel a bit more comfortable. Geni strolled over to the faunas , placed Ragnorok on the worm table and took the seat to his left. "That's a nice weapon you got there." He said with a smile as he casually leaned back in his seat.