Although the thought of him hacking in to Marian's computer so they could get a chance to talk was a bit weird, he pushed that thought aside as he changed in two a black V-neck sweater, some jeans, and comfortable shoes. His messy brown hair in place, a wide, tooth revealing, smile, and a very small splash of cologne, and hew as good! As he walked out of his room and Gwen saying that it seemed to work. Robert grinned and grabbed his coat, patting Gwen on the head. "God job, kid! Wish me luck!" With that he walked out of the door, and in to the New York night. --- When Robert arrived there was the smell of delicious food of all sorts, people talking, music playing, the bar filled. Robert moved his way past the crowds, not slipping his hands in to others' pockets in an attempt to get more money. Not everyone in this city deserved to be robbed. He kept glancing around the area, trying to spot the beautiful blonde. Did she even go to this place? Did she decide to get some rest, or called her dad so that he could possibly catch this guy? All his answered were answered when he saw the white dress. He would have been drooling about her if he didn't get bumped from behind, knocking him back in to the real world. Okay, Robin. You got this. He casually made his way towards the bar, seeing an empty spot near Marian. He then gave a laugh and shook his head. "Marian Anderson. Of all the people to run in to." Robert said with a smile, leaning on the bar, staring forward, waiting for the bartender to come over so he could order a drink. "Looks like I wasn't the only one who thought the idea of eating at the sea side restaurant was too tempting to turn down. Even if I did come here alone." Robert glanced over at her, raising an eyebrow. "You are here alone, right? I didn't get 'stood up' on our non existent date?" Robert asked jokingly, knowing the real reason she was here, but he had to make sure this looked authentic.