[h3]Rui Shinichi - Auditorium[/h3] 14/4/2015 - Tuesday - After School As soon as the boy Mako had calmed down, albeit despite admitting to overtalking, still overtalked a little... Rui began to form his own response. The people around them didn't seem to mind too much, but they noticed it. Fortunately he did not disturb the practice happening, though someone may have at least noticed him. > [color=slategray]"Yeah you're unwelcome"[/color] > [color=slategray]"I think you'll fit in nicely"[/color] > [color=slategray]"Sure whatever"[/color] [color=slategray]"I think you'll fit in nicely here"[/color], he said. Well, he wasn't wrong. Considering how Leiko was, and other members of the club, and that the club kind of encouraged self expression. Not to mention any interest in theatrical arts was welcome.