Rose flicked toggle switches, moved dials meticulously with extreme precision, and checked flickering green lights. The ship was going to take some getting used to, but he would learn it's reigns fast due to his prior experience. He lavishly felt across the control panel, taking in the glimmering LEDs and the control valves. The ship was definitely a keeper, equipped with enough goodies to make it a Ace Pilot's wet dream. To say that the ship was wasted on Rose was an overstatement, however Rose knew that he himself did not appreciate the advanced and intricate capabilities this vessel possessed as much as some others might. To him, the S.S. Vigilance was just another big bird in the sky; means for him to get from one place to another. His thoughts were interrupted by Amelia's request for him to familiarize himself with the systems. "Relax sweets, I've flown something of this sort before. I'm not exactly out of my element here," he said, grinning at Amelia almost in a teasing way. Rose used the screen in front of him to access the Vigilance's flight plans to their first destination. Supposedly, the guards had reloaded the computer with the proper information for their first assignment. After a quick look, Rose tapped the coordinates of their assignment into the Nav system. "Our nav coordinates are a go," he said to Amelia. Amelia, almost as if in reply, stuck a flash drive into one of the ship's ports. Soon enough the framework of the Vigilance popped up in the hologram. She plopped into her chair, asking Rose how he was doing before using the ship-wide intercom to inform the passengers that they were ready for launch. "Well, considering I'm not locked in a cell twenty three of the twenty four hours in a day, I'm doing just fine," he stopped briefly to flick a last couple of switches, and suddenly a pulsing green light lit up in a fluorescent bulb overhead, "Oh, by the way, all systems are a go. We're set to fly when ever you're ready captain. And you? How are [i]you[/i] doing?"