Ro'Essel looked at her Commander puzzled as she processed the analogy of speaking her mind. [B]Ah I do remember hearing the offer to speak my mind before and find it a puzzling offer to do as all Ko'secti do; to do any less would be dishonorable. But to clarify my offer I shall restate it trying to remember your race is mostly mind blind. I offer to allow you open access to my deepest thoughts an memories by forming a telepathic link where I am defenseless against your search.[/B] she says in a soft and gentle tone. She looks Lex up an down her eyes searching his form for strength, grace and weakness. She has since losing her soul met several males of the human species but no time to study them and finds it now amusing how like the No'Hara (Hard Warrioress) Lex is. The men of Ko'sect are smaller than females and their bodies less muscled. Had Ro'Essel become Sa'leana she would have had as her mate a son of the house of heaven but now would only be able to reproduce Tez'ecc (Test tube Female/female lottery) Sad really when given thought that her daughter would never know who her mother was as had Ro'Essel. She briefly considers adding to her previous statement even going so far as to open her mouth only to close it less her thought escape without cause. She instead sighs even though it is unlike a warrior to do so. She instead conceals her frustration at being thought strange, odd and funny because she knows to these people she is.