IC: Amaranth barely had time to get seated and eat anything before the bell rang. She quickly drank the rest of her water and shook Sarina's hand, cursing her luck. No time to change into something more appropriate before class. At least she didn't have to run to her locker, Unchained Fury was already on her arms. No time to put on the normal, flirty front for a stranger, either, but... Maybe it was time for a new start. "Name's Amaranth Desire, call me Amy. Killing the monsters... Easier than dealing with Good... Witch. Nice to meet you Sarina, but same as Ben... Gotta go. Hopefully will see ya later." She smiled, resisted the urge to wink (old habits die hard), and ran her hand through her hair and feathers as she turned and walked toward her next class... Which was Armory. *** Amy sat toward the back, her shoulders hunched slightly as she intentionally focused on the desk in front of her, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Other students, she didn't care about so much, though she'd rather not be painted as the class hussy on the first day. About the teacher's opinion... She did care somewhat. She [i]had[/i] to keep her grades up. Had to. And a bad first impression could be devastating.