Thanks for the support all. I was just feeling really depressed the entire drive back and hopefully, I've slept it all out of my system now. And I'll have to see Kingsman another time. I was waiting for her for so long they stopped selling tickets for it. Anyway, moving onto the feedback: [@Genkai] Yeah, I figured a story like that probably was asking too much. Honestly, I was just trying to get something down before I went off to work that night, but I know it was not my best work. Correctors do stand out among the DgtWld population right? Like if called into action in front of a...well let's say a normie, they can be seen right? I can flip it where he has an encounter with a Corrector early on, possibly getting assaulted by a virus or something, and that offers some sort of inspiration to try and make it into the Corrector ranks. Then he gets chosen on merit as opposed to for redemption. If you don't like the Corrector hazing angle either, I figure with the previous angle it would be a Corrector who has since retired anyway, so I can make the change a tribute instead.