[b]Mr. Len[/b] ''Alright so you will head out toward the nearby mountains, tomorrow, and you will scout out and counter any known spells, curses, and enchantments from long ago.'' Mr. Len yawns then continues, ''I expect you to be back in a few hours.'' Mr. Len then stands up and walks out, closing the door behind him. Mr. Len walks down the hall, heading to his office. As he approaches the office door he seems to get more tired from the day's work. Preparing for the new year is hard work at Golden Wings Academy. Mr. Len opens the door to his office, and walks in, closing the wooden door behind him. The office is a small room about 25 feet wide, and about 10 feet in height. Mr. Len plops down on his chair, and relaxes for a few moments. Then he starts writing on a piece of paper, a letter to someone. He spends about 5-10 minutes writing the letter, and when he finishes he takes the letter and he puts it in a hole in the office. The letter drops down the hole, and zooms off in another direction.