[s]Enter your proposed city states directly into the Characters Tab. [/s] Coat of arms is the first image. [hider=Grenth] [img]http://badmathematics.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/prince_symbol.jpg[/img] [b]City State - Grenth[/b] [Oshmar Region 11] Name of Region - Ketu Name of City - Ingrri Picture of Ingrri - [img]http://www.wall321.com/thumbnails/detail/20120303/fantasy%20trees%20lights%20shadows%20waterfalls%20rivers%201148x820%20wallpaper_www.wall321.com_2.jpg[/img] Visual Description of City - Ingrri is the largest city in the eleventh region. It was built within the second realm, housing half the population. It was built to look like a large white mountain from afar, its large white towers beaming from the city. It is encased by a magical barrier that allows one to breathe. The barrier can not be seen unless touched, and then, only for a few seconds before returning clear. The style of Ingrri is what makes it look like a mountain. It is mainly comprised of towers, but does hold glass domes every so often. The very center of the city is the King's tower. From there, you are able to see over the entire region. It is a spiral tower with a golden top. Rarely do they every built statues, but the city, seemimgly endless, has many. Each statue is of someone or thing that has done greatness in their history. The underside of the city is the food. Unlike the basic cites you come across, Ingrri's entire food source is grown and keep underground. There is nothing to really be seen down there though. City Population - 4,570,000 City's Defences - Ingrri is surrounded by a magical barrier that allows them to breathe. Since being built in the second realm, the only publicly known entry point is that of a large gate in the first realm that leads to a gate room in the city. With out the use of a map or knowledge of the tunnels beyond the gate room, you would find yourself in a maze of dead end an traps, magical and non-magical. As the last layer of security before reaching the city, a large room that houses the city guard. There, the city guard practice, eat, and train their familiars. ---Biggest weak point: Once inside the city, you could just break down the walls of the maze, or even the ceiling in the gate room and scale up, bypassing the entire defense. Or down, destroying the food and farms. City's Food Stores - The city is self sustaining, meaning, as long as no one burns down the farms beneath the city, it would hold out forever. City's Garrison Capacity: The city guard is not really anything big and the defense nothing costly on the population. It would only take a mere twenty five thousand men. City's Main Industries - The city is well known for it's knowledge in magic and science, most of the time combining the two. City's Government - Every two centuries the top five mages and top five scholars in the kingdom get together and [i][u]create[/u][/i] a new king. Every piece of knowledge known in the kingdom is put into this creature, making it one of the best rulers in the world. List of Towns - Civilian towns: Tow, large town; Katin, large town; Perl, mining town Civilian villages: Fallholt;Tasmer,Byder,Tun,Glen Military forts: Trotek, largest fort; Larc, large fort; Bost, small fort Military outposts: Greenflower, Alderr, Laenst Military encampments: Lefside [b]Race[/b] Race Name - Manticore Race Leader - Orilon, King Race Leader Physical Description - Natural purple skin, light red hair, and red eyes. Lightly built, he is shorter then the average Manticore(6'9"). Race Leader Significant Traits - Knowledge of everything his empire knows of. Memory of every past king. Race Physical Description - Naturally darker colored skin, wild light hair colors, and any eye color, they are normally found with little to no fat. They have no gender, though they share the same facial structure as humans. The Manticore are once thought to be human but become infused with the magic an science they devote their lives to. The average height would be seven feet. Life Span - Most live to be around a century and a half. Reproduction Rate - They do not reproduce often and most couples only to have one child. Their adulthood age is fifty years. Society - Their society is hard for outsiders to understand. Bound by a magical law, most live one hundred percent free, having little to do with the government. Unless they join the military, in which case, they would better understand the world's politics. Having the King be created means their life is politic free. The king runs the country's capital like a mayor would run a city. Rarely is he ever called upon to make nation wide choices. History - No known history before the rule of the Elves. In the reign of the Elves, they poured most of their research money into this region. The land here always had been infused with magic and thus required study. For years upon years the Elves and Manticore worked together, trying to further their understanding of magic and science. In the year of culling, 1921OK, the disaster happened, making the Manticore the creatures they are today. The elves, in their attempted to find someway to stop the horde of Orc brutes destroying the land, infused blood magic, machinery, and the Manticore blood. Their goal was to creature a soldier that would be three times more powerful than an Orc but a slave to the Elves. The ending result was an explosion that changed the Manticore people, forever infusing them with magic and science. Religion - We do not worship. We follow the people of past, those that have done greatness in history. We inspire to be like them, reach goals the way they did. Significant Racial Traits - Infused with magic and science, the Manticore are always in touch both, finding it easy to get the right herbs or learn a new language. They do have difficulty swimming and get extreme sea sickness. Seafaring Capabilities - Being bad at swimming, they generally tend to stay away from boats. Rating 1/10 (Ten highest) [b]Military[/b] Types of Soldiers - Creation: The "foot soldier", a Creation is a soulless beast that will do anything commanded by the summoner or builder. MysticalEngineer: A scientific mage, this engineer creates weapons and traps to infuse with magic and destroy the enemy. BattleMage: A mage that is fit for combat. They know how to wield a sword and catch you on fire. Heritic: The healer of our army, the Heritic enchants and heals everything. Creator: The most powerful unit in our army, publicly of course, is the Creator. They manage to creator familiars, or creatures, onto the field. Some familiars can be made, using anything around, others summoned, from any plan of existence. Blood Demon: A creation gone wrong, this is our secret weapon. These creatures have black wings and can sense any living thing. They are brute beast, besting an Orc at strength, while faster then any animal. This type of soldier is forbidden, fore they must give up their entire life for this. Call to Arms Capacity - 1m to 3.4m Battle Doctrine - With armies of creations in the front, our men make great use of the magic. Naturally, we tend to stay away from all out confrontations, as if our creations are killed, the bulk of our army is gone. Skirmishes are what we do best, picking our fights quickly and easily leading enemies into traps. Naval Presence - No navy. We are so bad at sea, we do not even have designs for warships. Those of us crazy enough to try our hand at sea trade are extremely rare. [b]Magic[/b] Use of Magic - Through out this entire post I have been talking about magic. Now let us begin. Types of magic - Life: This has to branches, first the healing. The healing magic takes life force some something else and replaces lost cells in large quantity. Second, nature, you become in touch with every living thing. You understand it all and see how it flows. Death: This is your basic elements; fire, water, earth, air. Enchanting: The ability to infuse items with magic. Creating: The ability to creation a familiar or summon one. Travel: The way of walking, how do you do it. Do you jump through three different realms, or walk through the fifth dimension, perhaps even just plain teleportation. Misc: Anything extra I did not cover above. Widespread - Our blood is infused with it, making us all strong with magic. Every single Manticore [i]has[/i] magic. Magic law - Every Manticore is bound by the Magic law. It is from the king that he seals laws into the land, thus stopping any Manticore who would break them in this land. The king controls the most powerful magic and that controls each city and fort. [b]Other Information[/b] - Ingrri is built in the second realm, where there is no air. It is surrounded by a large magical barrier. The way into the capital is a large archway with runes carved into them. Anyone can walk in or out and they are no defenses on the first realm's side. (Where everyone else is) [/hider]