[b]Mr.Raika[/b] Raika wakes up and takes a quick shower, and then putting on a lighter outfit in order to scout the mountains. "Well I guess I'm ready, time to head out." Raika walks out of his room/office and walks through the huge hall, towards the exit. He forms a bundle of chains and sits on them, slowly floats off towards the mountains. "This better be worth it, or else I might just kill that stupid Leeennnnn..." Closing his eyes, Raika lays down and simply waits to get to the mountains. "Yaaawn...I'm pretty damn sleepy..meh. I'll sleep in tomorrow!" He smiles, and his chain transportation speeds up. Raika slowly arrives to the mountains after a while, and his Chains disappear, as he starts walking into the forest near the mountain. "Time to do this, I guess." He continues walking into the forest.