The rain pattered on Kyle, only for it to instantly evaporate on contact with his skin, rainwater wasn't really a bother for him, though it was unusual for rain to suddenly stop in one spot yet continue everywhere else. Looking up he sensed the water sort of...just sliding away from him, not hitting anything, just moving away from him, as if they were curtains parting open for him. Kyle looked to his caretaker, who had already worked out Kyle's distress. "A young girl Master Parker, I believe she is the cause." "Hm..." he looked up at the sliding water then towards the energy of the girl, there was activity, "water manipulation?" "That would be the most plausible assumption." Unusual that someone would just go out of their way for some complete stranger, it made Kyle feel somewhat paranoid, "The question is...what's her angle?" "You are asking me a question as to speculate upon a specific situation, this is something I cannot do." "I'm more than well aware, caretaker..." he calmly stated before beginning to ponder thoughtfully on his situation. "However..." the caretaker spoke, taking Kyle slightly aback, "if any word were to be used to describe her actions, it would be kindness." "Kindness? ...heh," that wasn't a word he was used to, it was...unusual that someone would just go out of their way like that simply just out of a sense of kindness, but the words the caretaker uses are always thougtful, the caretaker contemplated it deeply to even have had a sense of a word. To pick kindness though... "Very well then, I think that will be all caretaker," Kyle nodded slowly and the caretaker did so back before they parted ways. Kyle's cane scraped along the ground, tapping here and there to identify obstacles that were new and unusual to him. That being said, he really didn't ever need to use the cane, his sense abilities were already more than enough to compensate, but the cane was for appearances. After all, who knows, maybe a girl who would do something out of kindness, completely at random, could be used to his benefit. That...however, would have to be determined later down the road, if she was to even follow him down that road at all. As he moved, he couldn't help but notice the manipulation area move along with him, until it dispersed as he made his way underneath the covering. He stood in front of the girl, though he couldn't see what she actually looked like, he could sense that she was...vibrant. Kindness....perhaps the caretaker's words do hold true. Kyle looked in her general direction and smiled, "Thank you for helping me out there, that was nice of you," then he introduced himself, "my name is Kyle, Kyle Parker."