"Yes Captain." Amelia said, looking across at Rose just as he made an appropriate quip and announced that he had prepped the ship for its maiden flight; it was game time. A green light pinged into existence on a steering pad in front of both pilots which indicated they could be used. Amelia gripped hers gleefully, making a few final adjustments to the ship's default take off pattern with one hand. "Oh i'm doing just fine." she purred as she put her fingerprint onto the scanner, firing up the engines. Rolls Royce Tamerlane spacecraft engines had the kind of reverberating boom which shook the inside of your abdomen and rattled your clenched teeth. It was as if Poseidon himself had awoken, shook off the rocks and shipwrecks which accumulate around him and begun swimming to the surface. Despite state of the art shock absorbers, the bridge shook violently for a few seconds as the Vigilance grew accustomed to having power of such epic proportions tacked onto it. She fired auxiliaries before commanding that the docking clamps be unlocked; a moment later she saw on her read out that they had been disengaged, not that she could hear over the boom of the engines. The Vigilance was now floating by itself inside the hangar. Amelia snuck a look at Rose, he was ready to back her up. Ever so slowly, she pushed forward on her steering pad. The Vigilance responded immediately, edging toward the hangar doors as they now opened for them. The subtle change in engine sound coupled with a deep vibration through her seat made Amelia emit something between an excited giggle and a moan. "Don't tease me." she whispered, pushing the Vigilance out of the Roosevelt and into the vast ocean of space. The noise died down significantly once they were into a vacuum. The captain had ordered she put a safe distance between them and the station before initiating the jump so took the opportunity to put the Vigilance through its paces. Using a holographic display Amelia began increasing the speed but barely started before there was a colossal bang and she felt Lex impact the back of her chair before sliding across the floor. Acting on instinct, Amelia initiated the hyper jump that Rose and Eve had assembled. The stars in the front visor became a white smear. The screen became one of what was left of the space station. "Ouchie." Amelia purred. The captain was speaking but she wasn't really listening. They had been five seconds away from suffering damage to their aft section. She looked at Rose. She hadn't been expecting a baptism by fire this early into their maiden flight. She busied herself by making sure the jump was locked in and calculating an estimated time for when auto-pilot would be disabled when they exited hyperspace. It displayed on a big read out between the two pilots. Two hours and seven minutes. Time for a quick meeting. Amelia released control of her steering pad and got up. Rose was still sat. "Coming?"