Shifting his sight towards the entrance, an involuntary hand twitch caused his wallet to drop and his teeth to clench in pain, trying as hard as he could keep that pain from manifesting into a blood curdling scream. He lowered his sight to see the girl who had wrapped his leg with her tail, as she began blabbering about how appearances deceive and slipped her name in too; Ellis Val Sonata. A visibly distressed Jason was just noticing some little details about the girl, details that were just off. Besides serving as a weapon, her tail also seemed to indicate her current mood, something which her face was unable to pull off. Whatever she was - Esper or Mage - her specialty seemed to be closely related to the brain, so it was definitely telekinesis. Relieving him off her grip and then bidding him farewell, the mention of his name, which he hadn't spoken out loud added 'telepathy' to the short list of supposed abilities she might possess. With the distance between him and Ellis growing with each step, a now slightly less anxious Jason grabbed his wallet, slipped into his front pocket before grabbing his luggage and entering the resort. The girl's advice stuck to his head like a bad case of migraine. She was right. He had the potential to see the light and the dark inside of people, if he wanted to. He just never thought he'd have to use his observational skills during a vacation. Jason's first obstacle was a security check-in, with three resort employees; two muscles and a female, which was overseeing the millimeter wave scanner, obstructing his path. That was an issue, taking into account Jason was packing a handgun in his luggage. "This way, sir", one of the guards pointed at a small spot, as the other took his luggage and began running it through the scanner. Some places in China did allow licensed firearms, but they were kept under strict surveillance by the respective security staff and were not allowed to get intoxicated with their gun holstered. However, Jason still was not sure if "Red Dragon" went by that policy. As he stared down to his stained torso, with the guard moving a glowing stick up and down, an audible beep caused both Jason and the security staff to wince. All three of them simultaneously looked at the poor, young man as the x-ray figure of what seemed to be a gun popped up in one of the screens, prompting an awkward chuckle by his side. "Sir, are you aware that you had a handgun in your luggage?", the other guard spoke as his Chinese accent made up for some funny pronunciation quirks. [color=SlateGray]"Yes. Will that pose a problem?"[/color], Jason boldly responded after calming himself down. The guard near him, which had scanned Jason's body up until then, spoke; "The Red Dragon Resort doesn't have an anti-gun policy, but that doesn't mean we welcome them." The moment he brought up the fact that the resort is not against guns, Jason was put to ease, his movement now being less restricted and more carefree. While the hotel staff was still trying to keep him off the hotel, he wasn't bound by any law which meant he had to show them who Jason Ford really is. Nearing one of the guards, he breathed out in a deliberate manner, causing him to shy away in disgust as the smell of tobacco made up for a really unpleasant atmosphere. The other two guards gazed inquisitively, wondering what the hell was just happening. [color=SlateGray]"Smell that? What brand do you think that is?"[/color], Jason spoke, swiveling around the room in search for an answer but getting none instead. [color=SlateGray]"If you thought 'Stradivarius', then you were wrong. It was supposed to be a Stradivarius, this expensive brand of cigarettes which come in ten and cost for about forty dollars each, but it's not. It's actually a Chinese knockoff provided to me by some mentally unfit creature of habit who still maintains his job as a chauffeur in that car-for-hire company that just brought me before your doorstep, only because I consider making complaints as tedious. The company's policy is that they give out one cigar to each of their customers in case of a delay or anything of the like, and they gave one to me when one of the car tires popped out, but they didn't give me the real thing. No, no, no, Zhen the driver was hiding the real thing and instead replaced 'em with a load of cheap knockoffs. How do I know that, you might ask? Well, I'm not a cigar smoker, but I've never had a cigar give me such an excruciating throat pain when smoked, especially not one which costs forty dollars. Zhen, in the other hand, is an avid smoker judging by his yellow nail and teeth, and by his raucous voice, courtesy of the mucus covering his breathing canal. After one hour and a half of staring cars passing down a highway, I was dropped here where a thirteen year old girl, possibly an ESPer, nearly severed my left leg and robbed me of a couple of dollars and also accused me of being a pervert, somewhere along the line. So if you think that doesn't justify this gun, then I'll have a word with the higher-ups."[/color], Jason finished his typical manic talking as the resort's staff stared in awe, their mouths hanging agape. After what seemed like an eternity of awkward silence and glares, one of the guards decided to break the ice after a close inspection of the gun's license, pointing at the interior's main lobby. "Have a nice day, sir.", he spoke, mustering a fake smile with all his might. Shortly after that, Jason pulled his wheeled luggage with himself and made his way to the reception desk, looking back with a death glare at the still mute employees. Upon reaching the desk, he asked the receptionist, a woman in her late twenties, to hand him the key to his room which he'd reserved previously. Room 203, to be more precise. Refusing to let any of the staff carry his baggage, he took an elevator and walked down to his room, opening the door, throwing the luggage down to a corner and diving into his bed, finally finding some peace of mind.