Shiro fidgeted in his seat, he was restless and wanted the class to get started. Constantly looking around and moving, he watched as the class quickly filled up. Tail wagging excitedly, he beamed as he recognized a few familiar faces. However, his enthusiasm was cut into slightly when he noticed Sapphire coming into the class. He would have to remember to continue giving her a wide berth, which was sad when you thought about it seeing how she was supposed to be his leader. Sadly, as he continued to scan the room, he didn't see Abel. He must've had a different class for this period. Shiro wasn't all too comfortable with the inevitable separation of him and his team, but he had to remember that this was a school. They weren't always all going to be together. Besides, he was rather used to being alone. Having friends- His line of thought was interrupted as he took notice of a specific person in the room. Sniffing at the air, a low rumbling growl reverberated in his throat and chest as the scent boiled his blood. Pupils narrowing into thin, black slits his vision locked onto a particular avian Faunus sitting hunched over. She seemed to be trying to make herself as unnoticeable as possible, but Shiro caught onto her presence rather quickly thanks to Sapphire. He remembered that he was still hungry. For some reason he couldn't explain, his mind was focused on one word. [i]"Prey.."[/i] He almost started to bare his fangs. In the bulk of the school, there were far too many students with different scents clashing and mixing with each other that it sometimes proved difficult for Shiro to navigate the school. Thankfully, he had his Scroll to help keep him on track and direct him to where he needed to go and distract him. But here, in the classroom where there were only 30-40 students, scents were easier to detect. Making it easy for Shiro to sort out other Humans from Faunus. Specifically Faunus he didn't quite view as other living creatures, but as food or enemies. Slowly rising from his seat, he had a near uncontrollable urge to lunge across the classroom and sink his fangs into the female avian Faunus. It was at that moment that someone had taken a seat next to him and made a comment on his weapons that he snapped back to reality. Blinking, he shook his head and settled back into his seat. [i]"Woah, what was that? Come on now, Shiro, she's another student."[/i] Looking at the student who sat next to him, he smiled and- His smile froze as he realized who had spoken to him. From the look and smell of him, the guy was a Lion Faunus. He was sitting next to him now, absolutely wonderful. Trying his best not to let it show, his smiling face soured into a neutral expression. Gritting his fangs, he pressed his lips shut tightly. He didn't quite like Lion Faunus types. He didn't have very many pleasant experiences with Lion Faunus before in the past. Typically, all Lion Faunus were the same to him. Arrogant and overly confident to the point of driving others away with their overbearing personalities. Something about being Kings and Queens of the more arid regions of the world. Whenever he would run into a Lion Faunus, they would typically make some snide remark about his Tiger Faunus lineage. Something about the Kings and Queens of the Jungle versus those of the Desert. Though Shiro may not have had a hateful bone in his body, he still had his prejudices. From no fault of his own, just from prior personal experience. [b]"Th-thank you, your weapons are very.."[/b] He glanced at the Lion boy's weapons and couldn't help but think they were rather garish and gaudy. [b]"Interesting too."[/b] he finished. Sighing, he sat rigidly in his chair, staring at his desk. This class was going to test him, he knew it. He couldn't wish for the class to start any harder than he was at that moment. Once he could start working on his equipment, he could distract himself and keep from potentially causing issues with the other students in the class. He would have to restrain himself, he thought as he glanced at the...interestingly dressed Avian Faunus. Ears drooping and tail lazily sweeping at the floor behind him, he was hoping to enjoy his time here at Beacon, not raise his blood pressure. Maybe the Lion faunus sitting next to him wasn't like the others. He would have to be sure to make friends with the feathered Faunus girl too, so that he could see her as a comrade and fellow student instead of lunch. He could only hope. If there was one thing Beacon did for him, it was sure good at making Shiro hope. He smirked and chuckled once to himself at the irony of the school's name.