August's eyes flitted about, marking down her final observations of the group mentally. Only Kanoa, Jackson, Maxwell, and herself had really revealed anything about themselves and their abilities. No one was much of a surprise to the red head. Nothing she hadn't seen a thousand times before in high school. Mary was sarcastic, but not uncaring, else she'd have just ignored everyone. Jackson was...melodramatic and afraid of something. Kanoa was studying them, but Kanoa studied everything as August recalled. Raven was a liar, judging by the emotions she was constructing. A damn good one at that. Orion was calmly strained, as usual. The one with the eye-patch was trying too hard to play Alpha Wolf. Cory was focusing on something internally. Max was awkwardly avoiding anyone's eyes, another liar? No, self conscious. That explained it. She wished her abilities let her read people that were around her, it would have made it much easier than just going off prior knowledge and experience. It'd be a few hours before she could read this room for what the others had left behind. And it'd be diluted, probably wouldn't be able to pinpoint anything to one specific person. Combine it with her current observations though, she could probably nail it down a bit better. That freaking light! August tilted her head back to look at it again. Variable voltage sucked, but since it was the only flickering one, August had already pinpointed where the wiring was wrong. Couldn't reach the roof though. She tuned back into the conversation as Jackson gave her a look. She smiled and waved, then looked at Kanoa. No reason to be hostile to anyone yet, no one had done anything wrong and everyone was probably weighing in whether or not they should stay involved. The redhead held up her hands, as if weighing her options. "Spooky ghosties, missing people, and bathing in the blood of the beast..." A quirked brow at Mary. "Or geometry homework. Gee, let me thinkI'm in!" August grinned, leaning back on the desk. Her hand slipped, and with a sharp yelp she fell backwards onto the ground with a heavy thud as the air was forced out of her lungs. "Ow ow ow...don't worry, I'm -oof- cool!" She got up, dusting herself off before holding up a finger. "And besides, we can use this as a little bonding trip so the folks who decided to avoid answering anything about themselves can open up or choose to leave." A quirked grin at the assembled students as August put her hands on her hips, head cocked to one side. No reason to be hostile. But a little prod never hurt. "So, on top of all the other questions, where exactly is the spot he went missing from?"