The floating city of Tain Jin, Victor stared at the daunting precipice that was now moments away, it looked to be more like a fortress than a place that people lived and went for holidays, being the very matter of why Victor was here himself. Victor was not very much of a holiday person, the beach, excessive drinking all of the common practices for people who go on holiday was something he resented, Victor was here because of the culture which wasn't that different to Japan's culture, especially it's history which is what interested him the most. However, his friends back at the court suggested that for once in his life he should really just do something for fun, do things he's never experienced before; excluding looking at 11th century texts from the Song Dynasty... So here he was, his luggage already making its way up to his room on the 7th floor of the Red Dragon hotel, which itself was within the Red dragon resort. A place highly recommended by his colleagues. It hadn't taken him long to make his way into the resort from the entrance to the city; about 30 mins, of course it helped that his chauffeur knew where he was going, taking the quickest possible route. The scenery was incredible along the way, the city was a spectacle to behold, every building in sight had a beautiful futuristic design that truly showed the engineering prowess that the Chinese held at their disposal. Tokyo itself was a glorious sight when the sun shrank away behind the horizon and the night took hold, but this... this was different. Already Victor felt that this place was worth being here. Victor made his way to the reception desk after going through the security scanner, of which he had no trouble at, and began going through the procedures of getting everything sorted. Then the conversation perked up about a certain Sword that was located in one his secure luggage containers; its only item which Victor valued more so than almost everything else he possessed. [color=slateblue]"Excuse me sir, but it appears that one of your secure luggage containers has, what appears to be a sword in it."[/color] Victor looked at the attendant straight in the eyes, making sure his expression was a warm one, he replied. "Yes, I'm aware of that and I believe I checked in about such an item being able to make it inside the resort. A couple of days ago I believe. Check with your manager, I'm sure he will clear it up for you." "Ah, my full name is Victor Glarus, I'm sure if you recite that to him he will remember." Whilst the attendant picked up the phone and started the process of talking to her manager Victor turned and took a look at the surroundings. There were a lot of people in the immaculate, and a somewhat traditional Chinese lobby, being named the Red Dragon it obviously tried to stick with a few of the Chinese roots as a theme. Something he appreciated a bit more than he did the other hotels he's been to in the past. The people themselves were generally dressed in a way that was really quite typical of holiday goers in a place like this. But it was mainly casual attire, with the odd bouts of formal attire, which he assumed belonged to those who were the more upper class residents of the hotel, or those who were simply going to the casino. Formal wear was quite common when you went into the grandest den of iniquity, it made you feel as if you belonged there, and other than the money you had on the table you could look as important and rich as the next person. Pulling himself from his thoughts he caught a few words in Chinese that the receptionist was hurriedly speaking in a hushed tone to her boss on the phone. He concealed a smile as it appeared that she was getting a earful. She put the phone down a few seconds later and recollected herself almost instantly, and with her trained smile she said. [color=slateblue]"Sorry for the inconvenience sir, but it appears that there was a slight misunderstanding, your luggage is already inside your room, and here is the key card."[/color] She gave a slight bow when she handed the card over, and Victor gave her his thanks as he made off to the lift towards his room. He soon made it to the 7th floor and went to the door that had the golden numbers 708 stamped on to the door. Quickly slotting the key card into the handle it gave a slight beep and doors mechanical lock relinquished its grip. The room was pretty impressive, Victor thought as he closed the door shut behind him; pocketing his key card, he made sure to get one of the grander suites available, it had plenty of space, a stunning view, better facilities en suite and of course a complementary bottle of champagne. Victor gave a slight chuckle as he went over towards the window and stared out onto the resort, and the city that surrounded it. Victor sighed slightly, he hated the time between getting here and doing something on a holiday it was monotonous and boring, and a process everyone goes through. [i]Hmm, I think I'll go to the casino in a bit, need to get showered first though.[/i] Poker was a favoured card game of his, and thankfully he had the capital and skill (possibly luck too) to pursue this game and not put himself in debt within the process, however, he has never came out of a game with less money than before he started so that always helped. He started to strip off his clothes and then jumped into the shower, the warm water would prepare him for his evening ahead.