[h3]Mingyu Yang[/h3] [hider][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/192/6/c/gray_fullbuster_by_house_of_dream-d6d0v08.jpg[/img][/hider] Min is walking down the streets, looking for Ellis which outright makes him look like a pedophile to everyone's eyes, he just have kids to take care of big time and with his Uncle on the loose, he hopes that he doesn't cause so much trouble. Wearing his school uniform and favorite jacket, he wears his glasses and caught up with his Uncle. [b]"Shūshu(Uncle). I've been looking where for you. And we're going to be late meeting Mei Fang. Tch... damned brat, have you seen Ellis?"[/b] He's in a hurry, speaking in Chinese at the same time. [h3]Li Huang[/h3] One of the Board of Directors in Tian Jin City, he made a brief announcement. Everything was stopped, even the entertainment, jobs and everything was put at halt. The country China is that of a civilized benevolent martial law like environment ran by its Dictator Li Huang. [b]"Brought to you by Tian Jin City. All students are to be in their homes, or dormitories or boarding houses. The time brought to you is a state of curfew. After this announcement, you are allowed to return to your daily doings. Foreigners are obliged to go to the Tian Jin C2 Building immediately. An opportunity of meeting two of the powerful Espers that is. Do not worry, everyone is invited."[/b] [b]Next Segment: C2 Building[/b]