There's quite a bit of fluff information in SIFRPG that is specific to the ASOIAF universe. I've altered all the major occurrences to be world-friendly, as listed below. [hider=On the Names of Things]There are a number of qualities and mechanics that are specific to Westeros. I will be addressing those now. The heritage qualities, aside from Blood of Heroes, keep their conferred qualities but now exist under a different name. Blood of the Andals is now Blood of the Adeans. Blood of the First Men is now Blood of the Viers. Blood of the Ironmen is now Blood of the Thanes. Blood of the Rhoynar is now Blood of the Third Sea. Blood of Valyria is now Blood of Jivan. Lastly, Blood of the Wildlings is now Blood of the Tribes. All instances of Braavos and Braavosi are to be substituted with Corsciva and Corscivan, respectively. The quality Brother of the Night’s Watch is now Northern Legionnaire. All references to the Night’s Watch are to be substituted with the Northern Legion. The Arakh does not exist in this world. It is replaced by the Kessoscene Blade.[/hider] [hider=On Languages]There are a number of languages in this world. I have listed the most widely spoken below. The five languages that your characters are likely to see without leaving Empire are listed first, in the order of their frequency. The others are included for flavor. [list] [*]Adean, the Common Tongue automatically spoken by all player characters unless stated otherwise. [*]Leosian, the language of the Kingdom of Arleon to the East. [*]Corscivan, the language of the Corscivan Commonwealth and its cities to the south, over the First Sea. [*]Etrycan, the language of the Etrycan city-states of the Third Sea to the far East. [*]Low Vieric, the language of the Vieric Tribesmen of the North[/list] [list] [*]Kessosceni, the language of Kessos [*]Nyxian, the language of Nyxos [*]Ghirdu, the common tongue of the Ghirducanian Empire [*]Imperial Vieric, the language of the ancient Vieric Empire [*]Jivanni, the language of the Jivanni Domains [*]Pantishi, the common tongue of the Kingdom of Trepanto [*]Shayari, the language of the Three Jewels of Shayar [*]Trader’s Tongue, an amalgam of numerous tongues used by traders and merchants [*]Yvennese, the tongue of the Free Cities of Yvenlond[/list][/hider] [hider=On the Surnames of Bastards]Bastards born in the Northern Marches receive the surname Snow. Bastards born in Hartland receive the surname Hart. Those born in Rivervale take the surname Rivers. Those born in Westelen take the surname West. Those born in the Perencoast bear the surname Waters. Forgive me for a lack of creativity here, I’d forgotten about this aspect of ASOIAF’s lore.[/hider]