Howdy, as of late I have been wanting to get into a second Rp, however my mind has been really distraught with what to Rp. I have been looking over Rps and trying to decide and I have finally decided to just try and host one myself for what I am looking to do. I have two ideas, both of which are Anime designed/inspired, but don't take that for a reason to do terrible Anime Stereotypes. I may seem rude or like an ass here, but just because these ideas are from an Anime or Anime Inspired does not mean I will allow characters who fit the cliche, poorly designed, bad Anime Stereotypes. Anyway, let me just get to them. SAO- [I]The LockHeart Chapter[/I] - The LockHeart Chapter is a alternative story to the word Art Online story where instead of the actions of Kirito and the standard story line, we will follow the game from floor 30 to the End. This being either all 100 floors some possible other occurrence that may end the Game for everyone, good OR bad. The LockHeart Chapter is named such due to the involvement of the "LockHeart Guild." This Guild will be an important part of the Rp and a very important functioning NPC/NPF in the Rp's progression. This Rp will follow a group of gathered players who may, or may not necessarily, get along enough to form a long-standing Raid Party to move through the game. The Rp will not be clandestine to follow a specific in-game pace, meaning no one is forced to have their character be grinding floor after floor as fast as possible. Everyone's character is welcome to their own sense of urgency to move through the game, and everyone is open to many different kind's of characters, just please.. No Power-tripping fourteen year old cliches, and no Soulless Badasses, or any of the bad stereotypes. [s]Deadman Wonderland- [I]Nesting over Nothing[/I]- Nesting Over Nothing is my idea for a Deadman WOnderland Rp where we begin as Deadmen Prisoners in G-Block among the first 100 prisoners who are forced to fight the opening bouts of "Carnival Corpse." The players will make characters as the first batch of Profiting Birds controlled by the cage. This Rp will not be posted in Arena, as there will be much more then just fighting, and there will be interesting twists to it, such as the non-traditonal Carnival Corpse fights at times. This Rp will have the Director be an Observant Force who changes the obstacles in front of character's depending on how they effect things inside of Deadman Wonderland. Too many Deadmen of a group becoming particularly friendly? The next bout will have two of them face off. [/s] *Disclaimer: I will not be nice. [s]In the Deadman Wonderland Rp, my force as playing the Director and Wonderland as an NPC will constantly make me seem like an asshole, but I am ok with that, be ready to experience Deadman Wonderland. +18 preferred, but +16 acceptable so long as you understand heavy gore will be present.[/s] The SAO rp will have things going wrong, throwing characters into bad situations, and generally making you hate the situations that get created. ~Note: I am open to GORE, I absolutely love Gore, the more the better. However if there is a younger member in the SAO rp I would like all Rpers to be respectful. The same goes for Romance, I do love reading a well written romance, but sexual Content will only be allowed so long as no minors are present and everyone is ok with the sexual content.