[h2][center]Character Sheet[/center][/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Devon Ashton [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appearance:[/b] Devon is a tall, leanly muscular young man with fair skin and dark, feathery black hair that he doesn't really try to brush or comb. His face could be 'considered' handsome, but he doesn't really care what others think, as far as 'handsome' or 'pretty' goes. His clothing is generally practical, although it is known that he wears dark-colored hoodies, jeans, and boots over everything, so his actual clothing underneath it doesn't matter. He also likes baseball caps, so that too. [b]Occupation:[/b] He was just a 'Runner'. Delivers packages and smuggle things. A pretty dangerous and rewarding line of work. [b]Crew or Passenger:[/b] Passenger [b]Improvised Weapon:[/b] Devon can make anything into a weapon. So, anything he sees; will probably be decided in the IC. [b]Equipment of Note:[/b] He has a high-tech, black mobile phone that holds his contacts, messages, GPS, and of course, google. He also has a keyring he 'stole' from a bellboy. More like the clumsy dude dropped it and Devon took it off the floor. [b]Character’s Starting Location:[/b] Bathroom, on the top floor.