Disappointed with the end of the meeting, Thorn couldn't help but feel Fenrir was going to do things his way no matter what the rest of the team suggested. The fact that there was such a division between the team regarding the training and treatment of Belle should have caused the leader to rethink his position or at least note that he would consider everything the team had discussed in regards to the matter. Instead they were dismissed to recuperate and rest for an intense training session in the morning. Morning wasn't even that far away at this point, the mission had used the majority of the day, Thorn noted as he wandered through the halls of the base aimlessly. The quiet of the night was often his favourite time of day with the rest of the team asleep in their dorms. It was also the only time of day that Thorn didn't prefer to be outside, once the sun had set the appeal left him. He had no desire to howl at the moon or feel alive in the chill of the night. Stopping outside of Belle's door, Thorn raised a hand to knock. No doubt the child was feeling guilty, alone and hurt. The sobbing on the other side of the door confirmed it. Faltering, Thorn dropped his hand stepping away from the door. He had no idea how to speak to Belle, how to comfort her. If he did perhaps Valentine wouldn't be dead, instead he could be married and living with a wife and child of his own. Instead Thorn now was walking the halls of a secret base, alone and speechless on the matters around him. The first rays of light began to shine through the base's windows and Thorn ventured outside. The morning dew on the ground was always sweeter than any other source of water and the first rays of sun the warmest. Feeling the nutrients warm his body, Thorn grew himself back to his regular size, new life growing within him, thickening his core and arms as he added layers to his body. Feeling stronger, healthier and fuller than he had after the fight yesterday, Thorn reentered the base. Making his way to the training room, Thorn was disappointed to find Adam had already arrived. Realizing his peace and quiet was over, Thorn acknowledged Fenrir with a nod and walked over to Belle. Turning towards her, he forced his face into a smile and spoke to Belle. "How are you this morning little one?" He stretched his hand out, a bulb appearing as it flourished into a fruit. A combination of several flavours, the unique fruit would tickle anyone's tastebuds. "You look tired Belle, have some breakfast it will help. All the flavours of your favourite fruits perfectly manufactured and fully organic." Thorn added, urging the fruit towards the girl.