[b]"I'm not interested in either of those things, especially if you're going to be there."[/b] At that last remark, Peter noticed that Pearleane seemed to waver, with her letting out a nervous laugh. He could tell that she was worried about annoying the boy, as she turned to look at himself and Dani for assistance, with her stating that maybe they would like to take part in the boy's quidditch team. Honestly Peter couldn't see that happening for him. While he loved the sport, the last time he had ridden a broom truly hadn't gone well and he doubted that things would end up changing. Honestly, without meaning to be rude, he couldn't see Dani being one to be up for taking part, as she couldn't exactly carry that board up with her. Quidditch was a team sport after all! However Peter knew that he couldn't just leave Pearleane there defending them. Rising to his feet, he stood by her side, trying his best to be tall and look threatening. "Can't you just leave us alone?" He asked, his weak voice completely throwing off the mean exterior he was going for. "You can all easily squeeze into the next compartment! Cut us some slack, man!" By now he was sweating slightly, and seriously hoping that no one noticed!