[b]New Lights University-11:16 AM[/b] Takashi Miyuzaki sat quietly in one of New Light University's many lecture halls. He was listening to his teacher breakdown a diagram that depicted a modern day car engine, he was going over the various parts and how they all worked together. Takashi was usually a good student, paying attention and taking notes. But today was different, it was only 11 AM and he was starting to doze. Perhaps it had something to do with getting home from work around 5 then getting up at 7 to take Megumi to school. Regardless of the circumstances Takashi knew he had to keep himself awake. So he devoted himself mind and body to taking notes, every word the teacher uttered found it's way into his notebook. ----------- [b]Miyuzaki Apartment-6:22 PM[/b] "Megumi! What did I tell you about you about eating your vegetables?" The elder Miyuzaki questioned, his voice loud enough he wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors heard. The younger was however ignoring him completely and watching TV, her new favorite show being something about Titans, titans who were teenagers or some such. Honestly Takashi didn't pay to close attention, it was on a reputable kids channel and that was really enough for him. "Hey! Don't you ignore me!" He called, the girl still facing away from, her light blonde hair shining nearly silver in the light from the bare bulb above their heads. He stared down at the small coffee table they were eating at, the paper plates held a home cooked meal Takashi made himself. He sighed as he ate the rest of his chicken alfredo pasta creation. Finally an idea popped into Takashi's head. "Alright, if you don't eat your broccoli I'll just have to find someone else to share that cake in the fridge with." His voice was light and unassuming, knowing exactly what his sister's reaction would be. Best part was it was chocolate cake, her favorite. Immediately she turned towards him, her emerald green eyes gleaming in challenge as the siblings had a staredown. "You gonna eat the broccoli or not?" "...Yeah...."