"What am I looking for? A place to be safe from [i]them[/i]... I've been on the run for the past year, they came for me on my 18th birthday. If I can't stay here can I at least sleep here for a couple a days? I'm sick of the running, too many people have died because of it. Last week, a group of them came after me, they didn't even care about the civilians... They shot two people, a husband and wife in an attempt to kill me. Two innocent people, who weren't the only ones, died because of what I can do. That, is why I am here." Chris opened his hands, "do you need me to prove that I'm not... Normal?" Valentine proved his point very blatantly, as his skin began to turn into sand. In a few seconds his body was made of sand, but still kept it's shape. "See?" he said as he turned back to normal.