Ah, so that's what this man was up to. He was just a scheming man looking for a quick buck. She should have known. No one was every that nice without a reason to gain something back. The world just didn't work like that. What kind of a girl did he take her for? Anna was a hard working kind of girl. She was very intelligent, the top person in the class in fact, soon to be valedictorian when she graduated in just a month or two. She would go on a free ride scholarship to the local university, living in a dorm all to herself without having to worry about foster homes or uncaring foster parents ever again. She was going to make something of herself and she didn't need to be some fake princess to live a carefree life. If she worked hard enough now, she wouldn't have to worry later on about financial issues. But apparently he thought otherwise. She took a slow sip of her drink, a passive look on her face as she listened to him finish up what he was saying. Then, setting her own glass down, she looked up to meet his eyes and spoke, "I'm not that kind of person. If you say I look like her, that's one thing. But to be a princess? To act like one? That is a completely different story. I can't do that. And I certainly am not about to trick some poor man into thinking I'm his sister. You'd have to be real low to want to do something like that." Standing up she shook her head, ready to walk off, "I won't do it. Find yourself another girl."