As she finished chewing on one of the two biscuits Holly almost felt at a loss of what to do again, when she firmly decided that alone or not she would leave the apartment again today. Suddenly from behind she heard a quiet sigh, turning she spotted the shape of Rayn leaving the kitchen and wondered to herself – what was the deal with that girl? In the past few days Holly hadn’t spoken to her and she didn’t know if she’d been spending time with anyone else, or had even talked with anyone. Just as she was about to go over to her one of the Pavo brothers came in, Lahn seemed to glance at her for a moment before quickly exiting the kitchen as well. Holly paused somewhat bewildered and wondered if she’d maybe done something to make them cautious of her, and then her mind flashed back to the first time they’d all met. Asa had gathered them all and at that time Holly was still furious about the loss of her parents, in fact all she had done was talk about how angry she was and how much she wanted revenge. Possibly not the best first impression she decided, but regardless she was determined now for them to all begin clicking together like a well oiled machine. Running her hand through her hair Holly put on a smile and walked out of the kitchen, and as she passed Rayn she said “Hey, catch” and tossed her the second biscuit in the packet before adding “they aren’t half as bad as they look.” Moving back towards the sofa she then turned her attention to Lahn and said “Hey Pavo, how about the three of us here get this thing into gear and go some-place? Four of us if your brother isn’t already off with Ruba or anyone?” She dropped herself onto the sofa before looking back over at Rayn to make sure she had heard before she added “What do you think Rayn?” If both of them preferred to keep to themselves then Holly didn’t care, she was throwing them in the deep end. She knew that whatever this ‘resistance movement’ was, it wouldn’t work without all of them being able to get along and at least trust each other to some degree. Using her Telekinesis she focused on a map of the city that lay folded neatly across the room and brought it gliding through the air towards her, unfolding itself as it did. Catching it in one smooth movement she glanced at all the different streets and symbols and said “Where did we want to go?” looking up at the others with a happy smirk on her face.