[@Anonymous] Glad you liked it. Supposedly a sequel may be able to bring back a certain someone (no spoilers) which I would be so happy with. XD [@The_written_John] Which...? [@TalijaKey] I was iffy on that film but I've heard people were surprised and enjoyed it, I may have to catch it on Redbox sometime. [@NeoAC] Hopefully you're feeling better now. *hugs* We may be misunderstanding each other, if that's the case we should figure out where that is. ^^; Online, normal people aren't "physically" immersed in the DgtWld like Correctors. Normal people can use it to take their minds to other places but Correctors can take their physical body with them so say, if they get cut in a battle, they get cut in real life. So normal people and Correctors would not cross paths online since they're using two different means of access. Correctors get taken to a more stripped DgtWld with think "tron grids" where as other people could go to say tropical islands or cities or shops, etc. So Correctors can't really reach out to normal people or interact with them, Correctors interact with hackers and their viruses they create. Normal people on the other hand, have a much more watered down experience. So a possible way your character could come in contact would be the simple way outlined in my first post of the OOC, I know some people have opt'ed to have complex ways of being recruited but they are really unique and not really that frequent I'm afraid, and we're trying to tone down the amount of characters who have had questionable upbringings, etc. Too much and it makes us worry we're creating something less than believable in this world...if that make sense? [@Krauxis] Oh I trust you, it's just presenting stuff can always be misinterpreted. ^^; [@TheMusketMan] It still doesn't look like you gave specifics about the ammo he can reload with. If you're hellbent on keeping the bike, even for occasional use, I would still strongly say the flaming face would need to go or one of his guns would. It still seems like too much junk for him to have...