Let me try and explain it this way... Normal users would log into the DgtWld via their cell phone or any other computer device. They can either use the internet normally as we do now. Or they could use music as a means of immersion. They close their eyes, pick a song, location and their mind is elsewhere. They are unable to say create a copy and meet up with other people in a "chat room". Correctors on the other hand have the distinct ability to detach themselves from the real world and implant themselves in the DgtWld, thus giving themselves their own body/avatar that can only be used by Cnnt (given to a Corrector by the Gvn) or another program a hacker has created to mimic the Cnnt application. Correctors cannot interact with normal people in this form because normal users would be on a much safer "plane" of the DgtWld where as Correctors and dangerous things lurk behind the scenes in the dark empty voids of the online world. Does that make better sense?