The racket from the Smith home, which was next to the forge, was louder than usual. The Smiths had 6 children, the older 2 of whom were married and living in their own homes and children in the village. Today, however, all 6 of the children, along with their offspring and partners, were at the home. The family was made up of 4 daughters and 2 sons. They were all named after birds, because their mother thought it was sweet and thheir father had always been good at bird calls. They were a pretty big family. But the noise wasn't just due to volume of people. "Kestral!" came their mother's cry as the door swung open, emitting the 3rd eldest daughter, and 4th child. She didn't stop but was gone in a moment. By the time Robin reached the door, he couldn't see her. He gave a sigh. This was not their mother's best idea. Fancy springing that on her with everyone there. He walked down the steps in front of their home, just as the door swung open again. His father and his younger brother, Starling, came out. His father looked no more pleased than he felt. "We're going back to the forge," his father told him as the passed. "This is women's things." Robin knew his father would expect him back in the forge, but he wanted to speak to Kestral first. She'd be cooling her heels somewhere. He headed down the track to the middle of the village, which was a well. She wouldn't be there, but it was as good a place to start as any. Why would his mother think she'd be happy? He was heading along when he spotted a figure, which he recognised as Jube. Robin had nothing against Jube. The rest of the village seemed to think him an odd duck, but Robin never held truck with being mean to someone. Jube had never harmed him. "Jube," he called, giving a wave to the boy. "Seen Kestral?" If anyone was strange, Kestral certainy fit that bill. She wanted to work in the forge. Their father was dead against it, so she'd been acting the rebel since. The villagers thought her odd too, but then Kestral had told him they thought him odd, because he was so good with animals and wasn't interested in the villagge girls.