(I plan on updating his CS later on at some point) Name: Shutler Wake Gender: Male Age: 38 Magic: N/A Magic Level: N/A History: A wizard with no record or known existence before, and only goes by his name. He was heard of earlier when he used some kind of extensive use of shadow/darkness magic in which he challenged numerous wizards to test their magic strength, but those that challenged him either ended up severely injured or died. Eventually, he found his way at the Magic Council and challenged them as well. He was able to easily take out most of the Council members that were there. But Grane was able to trick him and seal him away in a ball of light. Currently, Shutler is sealed away in the ball of light that is maintained by some light lacrima keeping the ball prison in place and stable. Where his seal and prison now resides below the Council's building in which the building against mostly took place. Currently: He's broke out of his prison but was later sent to Edolas with the help of the Council and remaining Phoenix Wing Guild members. Personality: Sees little value in most things. Is merciless, ruthless, unforgiving, heartless, inhuman, cruel, barbarous, vicious, callous, and a cold blooded guy to anyone he encounters. Three Strengths: - Extremely low feeling of pain, thus he can endure most things. - Craves the excitement and adrenaline that he feels from battle that fuels his energy to continue fighting until a body stops moving. - The power that he wields and the way he uses it. Three Weaknesses: - The light. - Feeling on edge when staying in one place. - Terrible at making any friends and allies. Appearance: [img]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Legault_79.jpg[/img]