"How many times do I need to yell go away before it sinks in god damn it!" Ryu yells, frustration very evident in his voice, in response to the banging on his cabin door that had woken him up 15 minutes ago and hadn't stopped since. The banging carried on and Ryu couldn't take it any longer. He rolls out of his bed and approaches the door. He hesitates for a second. Maybe it isn't so wise to open the door? He shakes his head and dismisses the thought. What's the worst that will happen? He opens the door and can barely even get a word out before the cause of the banging, a rather angry looking middle aged man launches himself at Ryu. "The fu--!" Is all he can say as Ryu is tackled to the floor. He wrestles with the man, trying with all his strength to push him off while the man throws punches wildly at him. Most of the punches land on Ryu's left arm as he holds it across his face in the only attempt to block that he can. He keeps trying to push but to no avail. The man is rather heavy to put it lightly and there's no way Ryu is pushing him off. So he resorts to plan B. While still blocking with his left arm, he swings his right into a punch with all the strength he can muster into the side of the man's head, hitting him square on the temple. The man wails in pain and Ryu manages to push him off as he recoils from the pain. Ryu rushes to his feet and makes quick of the advantage he's given himself. Before the man can climb back to his feet, Ryu kicks him back the floor. He lands another kick into the man's side. And another, and another. With the man now gasping for breath, Ryu stops. "Hope that taught you a lesson," He growls at the man. "Now get out before I do more damage." The man doesn't leave. Instead, he looks up at Ryu and grins. "You're gonna die." He wheezes.