Otto listened to the conversations of the elder vampire and the Kingston head. This was a very heavy conversation, the air heavy with worry, anger and a hint of excitement. At times during the conversation he felt like he needed to interject, but he kept his self control. Luckily, all his questions were answered during the conversation, unfortunately, it just gave him new ones to ask. Was there war really on the horizon? What happened? What led up to this predicament? Otto was silent for a few seconds after the elder vampires left the home. He had barely noticed Klaus leave the house. That vampire got on his nerves at times, he had no reason to interfere with the Heads conversation, but Otto shrugged it off. "Well, looks like the Kingstons family in on the hot seat." He said grimly. "You realize if we don't do something fast, this could mean war." He said said solemnly as he raked his hand through his hair.