[center][color=39b54a] Murkan Gro-Dushbak Ex-Legionnaire/Sellsword Orc Warrior Male 37 years [hider=Appearance][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/jslxsw.jpg[/img][/hider][/color][/center] Personality: Murkan is short-tempered and sullen, preferring to cleave Man, Mer, or beasts in half rather than talking situations out, and to act rather than to ponder. Being raised in a stronghold, he was brought up to believe in bringing honor to him and his family. He’d rather die with honor than to fight and live as a coward. He has a sort of distaste to outsiders, those from outside the Imperial Legion and his stronghold, and comes off as wary to them. He also has a stronger and more violent distaste towards those whom dabble in the schools of magic, believing they are cowards and less honorable. Height: 5’ 9” Weight: 202 lb Weapons: Orcish Battleaxe, 2x steel daggers Bio: Born in one of the strongholds of Skyrim, Murkan grew up learning the ways of the orcish smith, the ways of the warrior and the “Code of Malacath”. Most of his life was confined inside the wooden palisades of the stronghold. One of his seven brothers and himself were destined to challenge their father, the Chieftain, in order to succeed leadership. Murkan had no desire to become chieftain and strayed away from the squabbles of his other siblings. When the Stormcloak Rebellion raged out, Murkan was one of the several brothers who went to join the Imperial Legion. Murkan had his own influences. He desired for adventure and to prove himself as a capable warrior to Malacath, hoping to gain favor. He also heard that the Stormcloak leader, Ulfric Stormcloak, used his magical voice to murder the High King Torygg, which Murkan viewed as a cowardice act. Murkan was sent to the front lines, along with one of his other brothers. They were encamped with around thirty other men. They endured cold days and even colder nights, lurking wildlife, and the looming threat of Stormcloak soldiers. During one of the coldest nights, Stormcloak troops snuck past look-outs that were stationed around the camp. It was a downright slaughter. Murkan came back from gathering firewood to watch as his brothers and comrades were slaughtered in their sleep. He let out of a bloodcurdling roar, which woke up the soldiers who weren't being gutted. They quickly gathered together to repel the attack. Murkan charged a duo of archers with his brother’s battleaxe. He tore them apart before setting upon the rest of the Stormcloaks. Murkan and his band of the tired and wounded managed to send the Stormcloaks back to the depths of the night. When morning arose, only the frozen bloodied bodies of the fallen remained. Murkan and the rest had to move back and join up with another unit to maintain full strength. Later in the day, Murkan received word that some of his other brothers died in similar attacks to the one he experienced. By the time Murkan had joined the war, it had soonly ended. The Stormcloak had taken Solitude and Castle Dour, the Fourth Legion that was stationed in Skyrim had crumbled. Word was spread that the Stormcloak had won. Instead of retreating with the rest of the Imperial Legion, Murkan shed his soldier’s clothing and took up arms as a sellsword. For years after the war, Murkan worked for Jarls, merchants, noble families, anyone who could afford him. He preferred working alone, using his brute strength to get the job done. He knew he could work all over, gaining vast amounts of wealth, but he could never get the will to leave Skyrim, as if something was keeping him there. Other: Has armor as shown in image above.