Character Sheet: Name: Tinore Reembrut Occupation: Sellsword Race: Altmer/Nord Lich Class: Beserker/Necromancer Conjuration, One-handed, heavy armour Primarily, Tinore uses two swords as his offensive but on the occasion he will raise the dead to do his bidding. His duel wielding prowess is legendary to some. Gender: Male Age: 570 Personality: Tinore has a very boisterous personality that doesn't come to the surface very often as he doesn't have a lot of interaction with others. He is just as comfortable with mer and men as he is talking to Sheograth so naturally his people skills aren't the best unless he and the person have something in common. While not many things send him into a fit of rage one thing that does are vampires, he has a strong dislike for vampires but understands that there are a few out there whom of which aren't inherently evil. General Appearance: Tinore stands at 5 feet 10 inches with his golden skin greyed quite a bit from its wear and tear over the years. His body is covered in scars making his divine elven beauty diminished quite a lot because of it. His eyes were once a vibrant bronze colour but have now faded into almost pure white almond shaped eyes in his head. His hair is short and very dark, it is stylized after common Nord hairstyles and is changed quite a bit. He is fairly muscular for a Mer and is leagues ahead of his brethren in terms of physical prowess. He is often seen wearing ancient Nord cuirass, steel horned helmet, Redguard boots and a pair of horker leather gloves. Weapons: One-handed: Orcish war-axe of absorb health Conjuration: conjure bound sword, Dread zombie and cheese for everyone. Bio: Tinore's mother was a highly respected noble in the summerset isle and was married to a successful Altmer wizard. His mother however was not very happy with her marriage as her husband didn't seem to care much for her so she would often time sleep with other men in the hopes of it being a good way to get back at her husband. Sadly after one of these occasions she found that she was pregnant with one of the men or mer's child. She didn't know whom it belonged to but she assumed the child would be Altmer as she tended to sleep with her own kind and only strayed on a few occasions. She told her husband that the child was his and the mer had no reason to not believe her. After a few decades of the boy named Tinore being alive he began to show a prowess in armed combat. His step father had hoped that his son would become a successful wizard like himself but the child seemed to show little to no signs of magical prowess and was only skilled in the conjuration school of magic mostly for its use of bound weaponry. Tinore kept up his training with the school of conjuration in the attempt to make his father proud but he only ever felt at home with a blade or axe. Around the age of 200 Tinore finally found out about his linage when his mother told him and his father on her deathbed. His father was outraged by this and shunned his son for quite a few decades not making any effort to contact him for years to come. Tinore was saddened by this but was now at peace with himself knowing that deep down he wasn't just an Altmer but also possibly a man from which he was a descendant from Skyrim or Cyrodil. He decided to make a voyage towards the two most likely places of his linage to be from. He traveled to Skyrim and began picking up odd jobs around mostly as a sellsword and on the rare occasion as a bounty hunter. One night while making his way from Solitude to Morthal he came face to face with a monstrous beast that stood even taller than him and possessed almost wing like appendages on its back. It was a vampire lord and it was hunting its prey which happened to be Tinore. The two fought vigorously but both were losing their vigor fast. The vampire lord was obviously ill experienced in fighting but still possessed quite a lot of strength and magical prowess to make up for it. The two fought until dawn and both got some good strikes on one another but the fight ultimately ended when the vampire had to make its escape due to the incoming light but not before Tinore got a good last few slashes in on the creatures chest. Tinore would come to fight this vampire on quite a few more occasions each growing stronger before it came down to the final fight years later. Tinore had managed to corner the vampire in its den thanks to help from a select few vigilantes of Stendar who had agreed to help. The band of righteous fighters would have gotten the vampire if it hadn't been for the beast's sudden surge of power from an unknown source. The vigilants began dying left and right as the vampiric beast began slaying them. Tinore realized there was no one they could beat the creature in its stare so he made one last push and got in close to the beast and tackled it towards its own coffin and commanded the remaining vigilants to use any destruction magic they had to collapse the den. The vigilants ran for it while also firing off barrages of spells as the walls. After making one last hit to the vampire Tinore made a made rush for the exit but as he ran he heard the vampire call out "no measly stone will defeat me! I live forever while your time is limited elf! I will rise after you have fallen!" and with those closing words the den collapsed with Tinore barley making it out. Those words haunted Tinore for days to come knowing that his enemy would have likely survived the ordeal and would be attempting to break free from its rocky tomb as it had said. Tinore couldn't die peacefully knowing that the creature was still alive somewhere so Tinore began seeking out ways of extending his own life to match the vampire's. He looked all around Tamriel and eventually came across the story of the King or worms whom managed to become a lich. This prospect was best suited for Tinore as he already had minor experience in the art of necromancy so he began studying the fabled works of the mer who became the king of worms and after decades of trial and error he finally managed to achieve lichdom. Now he waits for the day for his arch nemesis to rise from those stones so he can finally put an end to the creature and be able to rest in piece. Other: -he is often times unidentifiable as an Altmer or Nord thanks to his grotesque appearance thanks to his undeath and scars.