"I'm not sure I had manners to begin with." He said jokingly as he turned around and placed he elbows on the counter. He watched Mira quietly as she pulled out a blood bag and offed to heat it up for him. Otto simply nodded and continued to watch her. Otto had to admit that he felt home sick for those 5 years. After all, for 200 years this was his home and family, they were the ones that took him in when he first turned. He was grateful to them for that, and that was why he was willing to sacrifice his life for the family. "Sure, I'll go see what room I want later." He said calmly as he waited or the blood bag to warm up. Be had no had blood in a bag in months, which made this unusual for Otto. The Vampires in England always offered it in a cup. Otto's smile faded away when Mira asked about his home. "No it was not there, not much I would have done about that." He said solemnly. "But my father's grave is still there, although there is no body, they still honored him with a medal." He said perking up a bit. "Ha ha, I even have a grave of my own, with its own war medal, but I chose to leave it there." He said with a sigh, turning into a vampire changed everything. He had to leave his mother and brother alone, he did not even get to know what there lives were like.