[@Anonymous] Nonnie, hush. ;p [@TheMusketMan] Honestly it's a little frustrating how long this has drawn-out for, it makes you seem uncooperative and mulish, but that aside I'm still willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Yes, the slight obsession your character has with Ghost Rider and the bike was vexing but I get it, it's your character's thing. However my main issue has and continues to be your weapon choices, not necessarily the weapon itself but the bizarre dynamics you give them. they're not realistic, this is a light sci-fi and slice of life. The weapons you augment make them seem like heavy sci-fi or fantasy. No one carries or needs 150 bullets to reload with, a 230 ft long whip is overkill and could easily guy tangled up and have a series of misfortunes along with it. You start off with reasonable ideas but then they get out of hand, just tune it down a little. Weapons should reflect the character's age and experience, they magically don't have limits, limits still exist with in the DgtWld. At this point all we're asking is that you actually think about the weapon. What seems REALISTIC and would be understandable to have? Does it have any drawbacks? Does it have any weaknesses? Is it meant for up close in personal, or hit and run? Where would it leave your character open to attack at? Little things like that make it easier to understand what you're going for and how it works. Details are lovely and always appreciated. If you want to use the revolver, perhaps drop the ammo count down to say 50? If you want to go back and use the whip, which are snazzy, bring it down to 10 feet. The chain part would probably be too heavy and the fire might just cause the metal to overheat and burn his hands. See limits and drawbacks. [i]~Alice[/i]