It was supposed to be simple. Get into the house, prove it was just superstition, and get out the next day. I mean, come on, no one really believed the stories. But here Joseph was, possibly about to be killed by the supposed fake ghost that was not supposed to exist. Now, it could have been a prank, but no. Pranks were never this elaborate. And Joseph was pretty sure most of his friends weren’t CGI experts so that pretty much killed the idea, since he saw that little girl disappear in front of his eyes. Yes, it was the real fucking thing. And it was still capable of killing him, ghost or not. He had already tried to pry open one of the windows, as it was how he had gotten in anyway, but Joseph found all the windows were locked. The doors probably were too, and he wasn’t taking any chances of going through the front door with those bloody words all over it. Screamed trap if he had ever seen one. Best bet was to hide, try to buy time until he found a way out. He found himself panicking, turning off his flashlight at every sound and odd shadow. Yeah, Joseph had played all the horror games and horror movies. It was a joke, but it didn’t seem as funny when he seemed to be in the same situation himself. Joseph remembered all the gruesome death scenes those horror games had, and while he was in deep thought, Joseph dropped his flashlight, and it echoed throughout the house. "Shit..." Joseph quickly picked it up and headed to the second floor. If anything, there was probably more hiding spots up top, as most two story houses had the bathrooms and bedrooms on the second floor. Maybe he could lock himself in the bathroom until it all blew over, although seeing as the girl was a ghost of some kind doing that probably just meant he'd trap himself in a confined area with the vengeful ghost. Joseph crept up the stairs, hoping the echo hadn't tipped off the ghost. It probably did, but a man could hope.