A storm was coming in. It was still dark out, so most couldn't see the soft irregular underbellies of the clouds as they thickened into a breezy soup above. Mithias Kept out of sight as he distanced himself from the Kingston manor. Now he knew where they were. He could come back anytime. Taking a perch on a building where he could get some rest of constantly having to avoid lights and cameras and traffic, etc. Mithias folded his arms and looked down gloomily. He disliked cities, primarily because he had no hope of mingling with mortals without drawing attention to himself. There were far too many humans in this day and age, and it seemed as if there were getting to be far too many vampires... young ones, at least. Perhaps he was getting old himself. It was the only explanation he could elucidate for his lack of motivation. He still hated senseless killing, but he wasn't out to eliminate his species. It seemed that with time, vampires had to find their own entertainment, something to keep themselves active, a reason to leave their lairs other than to feed. Family could be that. Was Mithias really so against creating one of his own? He sighed heavily as he mulled over the idea. Who would it be? Certainly he had little chance of getting to know a single person. A human simply couldn't be on his level, given only a few decades at most of experience and understanding. Fledglings really were infants. But this Blackmoore family... He was of the same line, albeit a lower branch. Would they accept him? The vampire's black brow furrowed. His first impression hadn't been the best. He didn't seem welcome in the least. Nonetheless, perhaps it would be worth hanging around a little longer. Their Maria, pirate wench extraordinaire, had mysteriously disappeared, which meant she was either slain or to be held for ransom. Mithias had kept an eye on Praetor since leaving the mansion. With his ability to sense other vampires, it would be easy enough to find... The Tortuga. Mithias raised a brow as he read the sign, then lowered his head to the two bouncers in front of him.