On another note, here's my character sheet. [hider=This is a character][b]Name:[/b] Jinn (Last name unknown) [b]Age: [/b] 14 [b]Sex: [/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Asexual [hider=Appearance][img]http://i676.photobucket.com/albums/vv123/kogeteru/Xade.jpg[/img] Like this, but with more fantasy, obviously.[/hider] [b]Height:[/b] 5 foot [b]Weight:[/b] 140 pounds (mostly muscle) [b]Personality:[/b] Jinn’s personality is one of curiosity. Due to his history, he likes to look around the world and learn about it. He has a hands-on kind of personality, as he likes to try things for himself. He is often reckless with his own body, taking wounds in order to exploit an opportunity, but this is more due to lack of common sense, having lived in society for only a short time. He is quick to adapt and is often ready to take on anything, and is usually unfazed by adversity. He enjoys fighting, though, and he gets along with animals pretty well. [b]History:[/b] Jinn was abandoned by his parents in the mountains at a young age. He was found in the mountains when he was 6 years old. When the monks found him there, he was living with bears, having grappled them into submission. They took him in and taught him to live in society somewhat, as well as teaching him martial arts. This worked to a certain degree of success, but Jinn retained some of his wild tendencies, using their monk martial arts to improve his grappling abilities. He built up a lot of muscle so that could grapple easier. He also sharpened his ability to use yellow magic and trained in using it. Eventually, he left the monk place to explore the world and grapple something worth grappling. [b]Likes:[/b] - Animals - Grappling - Food [b]Dislikes:[/b] - Eggplant - Rich people - Complex stuff [b]Starting Faction:[/b] None [b]Magic Shade:[/b] Yellow [b]Manifestation:[/b][hider=chinese halberd][img]http://www.deemiro.com/images/Halberd.gif[/img][/hider] [b]Musical Theme(s):[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGw8DWctAts]It goes with everything[/url] [b]Other:[/b] He has a good sense of smell. Has pretty good upper body strength. Knows kicks and punches but excels at grapples and throws. [/hider]