[quote] [b]Name:[/b] Xander Artorius De’Blanke [b]Age: [/b]21 years old [b]Sex: [/b]Male [b]Sexuality:[/b]Heterosexual [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/kRuVosj.jpg[/img] Piercing Ferocity, described in every aspect of Xander’s appearance: plainly imposing height, heavily muscled form, abrasive countenance, blade-like sharp features, and his piercing eyes.Especially his eyes; a powerful gaze that gives off the impression of a tiger cornering its prey. His features are usually curved into a slight scowl, and his no nonsense demeanor rarely offers forward a smile. His body is toned with an obvious ode to frequent, careful training and an extremely disciplined lifestyle. [b]Height:[/b] 6’6” [b]Weight:[/b] 225 [b]Personality:[/b] To any bystander, Xander’s personality is built around composure and discipline: the fact that he can accept any situation and adapt without complaint, his unfaltering and meticulous method in which he carries himself, his painfully careful use of language, and his unchanging facial features. All facets of his actions point towards unstoppable drive and untarnished ethics. Simply put, this is only the observed personality from a mere bystander’s point of view. Set upon by years of training and harrowing self-improvement, is the foundation; a bitter but sweetly charismatic boy, a child who curses the world and becomes stronger for it. When his true colors shine, they are both passionate and condescending to his world. His mind is set upon the nature of the strong standing upon the weak, but most of all, to the point of instinct, Xander feels he must protect what he values with tooth and nail. If he comes to hold someone close to his heart, he has a tendency to attend to every single need or want with tender care, and defend from any threat whatsoever with the ferocity of an enraged lion. [b]History:[/b] Despite his mother dying at his birth, Xander was not hurt, how can one mourne what they’ve never known? He did not learn the bitter taste of loss until later in his life. Xander grew happily in his father’s household, a feudal manor built upon military success. Xander’s eager-to-please personality and natural talent in the many mediums of warfare brought a swell to the chest of his father. He trained under his father and the bond between the two grew increasingly strong, Xander bloomed under his father’s tutelage and become capable of carrying on his legacy. The kindly words and loving actions was that of one who gave their world to their son, and the father was the world to his son. One day, with a shadow over his face, Xander’s father left in the night and failed to return in the morning. Xander waited, running to the double-doors of the mansion when the low beats of the knocker graced his ears, only to find a stranger had arrived to inform him and the household that Xander’s father would not be returning. Xander then tasted bitterness, overwhelming so. Since then he has been unable to recover, carefully carrying on his father’s legacy during day, and hunting for his father’s murderer at night. Shortly after his father’s death, Xander became associated with the military, quickly earning his recruitment with the name of his father; he left behind his home to take up his feudal practice. Xander consistently moved to improve himself: physically, mentally, in art, and in soul. From then to now, Xander has repeated the same process day-by-day: Cook breakfast and lunch, morning conditioning, military training / operations, cook dinner, evening combat practice, nap, then hunting for his father's murderer in the streets through the night, then, repeat. [b]Likes:[/b] Music Fitness Challenges Cooking Sparring [b]Dislikes:[/b] Laziness Arrogance Trickery Black Magic [b]Starting Faction:[/b]Military [b]Magic Shade:[/b] Red [b]Manifestation:[/b] [url]http://i.imgur.com/KEToQSW.jpg[/url] A shield attached at the wrist and crook of the elbow, expanding out from the forearm upon being called upon. [b]Musical Theme(s):[/b] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vliw3-NUAYY [/quote] Yup, as mentioned in our PMs, the shield is fine, but just so you know, the image coding is messed up.