[b]Maria Black[/b] "Tsk, curfew." Maria said, picking up the piece of paper the man had dropped. "Haven't caught me yet, won't catch me tonight." Her outline faded slowly, followed by her body, and eventually the only thing left of her was the faintest of blurs in the scenery, slipping back into the alleyway and disappearing from sight. "Chengdu Moshu Yanjiu huh?" Her voice came quietly. "Maybe I'll check it out tomorrow." [b]Julia Miller, Outside the American Embassy[/b] "I hope one of those Espers they're talking about is me," Julia said after the announcement ended. "I'd hate to have to crash someone's party, and this sounds way too good to pass up." She made a show of brushing herself off, when she was actually checking that the several knives, darts and her small pistol were still in place. "I suppose I have everything I might need, no sense in keeping people waiting." The young looking woman hummed softly to herself as she set off towards her destination, the C2 building mentioned in the announcement.